Chapter 2: Another Day in Gotham

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"Yes! I win again!" Ruby exclaimed happily.

Right now, both her and Damian are playing a game called Ultimate Mecha Strike III on a new game console that Bruce got him. One which he of course did not intend on using but Ruby managed to convince him and to his surprise he was actually having fun.

 At least with Ruby that is.

Damian rolls his eyes but smiles as they went back to playing for 2 more hours before they gave up for today and decided to watch a movie.

Which was Deadpool, and yes, Damian was the one that picked it out.

The movie was about to end when a until an alarm on Damian's phone went off.

"What was that?" Ruby questioned.

"An alarm, I set for when it's time to go train." Damian answered.

Ruby rolled her eyes in amusement. But she then remembers something. "Alright then. We can play this game some other time." She said as she got up and left the room and went into her room and came out with a red present box which was wrapped with a green bow.

She smiled at the youngest Wayne and takes her leave to the Batcave.

Damian looks at the box in confusion as he gets off his bed and follows her. "Wait up." He said as he finally caught up.

Looks down at the package and saw his name on the tag, "What is that?" he questioned.

"It's a surprise." Ruby answered with a smile and kept on walking.

"Can I see it; it has my name on it." Damian said getting a little antsy to see what is inside.

"You'll find out when we're in the Batcave. I promise." Ruby assured.

Damian sighed in annoyance but decides to listen.

Taking one of the secret passages to the Batcave.

Once they made it to the training area Ruby sits down on the stairs and pats the side next to her for Damian to sit down as well.

And once he was seated, she hands him his present. "Happy birthday Damian~" she said in a sing song tone.

"Uh, Ruby it's in the middle of May, not the 25th of December." Damian stated as he reaches out to pull the ribbon.

"I know, but this is a belated birthday present since I wasn't able to finish it on time." Ruby said cheerfully.

That made Damian stop pulling the ribbon, "You made what's ever in here?" he questioned.

"Yep." Ruby replied.

Smiling at how generous the huntress is Damian pulled off the ribbon and flicked off the lid to find a beautifully crafted red and black gun with a hint of gold on the side.

And to his amusement Ruby decided to be extra by laying it on a small red silk cushion with a few magazines next to it. "A gun?" he questioned confused.

"It's not just a gun silly." Ruby said as she got up and holds out her hand to him.

Setting the box down on the stairs Damian grabs her hand and let her lead him to the middle of the training room.

"Can I see it for a moment?" she asked and held her hand out.

Nodding his head Damian hands the gun back and could only watch in awe as the gun turns itself into an amazing sword.

Nodding his head Damian hands the gun back and could only watch in awe as the gun turns itself into an amazing sword

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