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Trigger Warning: Cuss Words, Bullying, violence


Adora walked into the school, hoping it would be empty. She sighed in defeat as she saw her bullies. She was a junior in high school, she had been going to Etheria High for two and a half years now. Two of those years were spent being bullied as the bullies figured she was an easy target halfway into her first year.

Now don't get it wrong, Adora was stronger than them. If she fought back she would probably win. The problem was the school had a really strict policy on fights.If you were spotted in one you'd get detention, which went on your permanent record, even if you didn't fight back. Most people didn't care but Adora did. She needed a clean record to get the scholarship she needed for college. That was her only way for a promising future. 

She sighed and got ready for their merciless bullying.

Adora's POV

"Hey it's the dumb blonde again!" Alicia shouted. "I know that's just a stereotype but it really fits you!"

"Yeah, you can't even talk to people, can you?" Serena laughed. "That's why you have no friends.

I sighed. They knew the exact reason I didn't have any friends. They were the reason. Also my inability to not be awkward. But mostly them. Nobody wanted to be bullied and that's what would happen if they were friends with me.

"Just leave me alone!" I said. "What do you want from me?"

"Oh you know exactly why, you dumb wh***" Sean laughed. "You can't stand up to us because you need a clean record because your parents left you! You have nothing, no money, no friends, no worth! You should just kill yourself honestly!"

The other two were a little shocked at that last sentence but they hid it and laughed. "You deserve a punishment for talking back to us. We'd do it here but Octavia(so this used to say Lonnie but i like her so i changed it to Octavia) would like to give it herself. You know what to do on the next break." and with that they left. 

Great, Octavia. Their leader. (Edit: Lonnie to Octavia)

I have to go to the far lockers where no teacher ever comes to. Or else? They'll do something worse. Once it was flushing my sports uniform in the toilet. I had to pick them up and wash them, since I can't do that at home. And I missed several classes. And this was just one of the things they did.

Well whatever. Moping around won't help. I should just get to class and try to do as much as possible before I end up at the Nurse's office.

"Clumsy Girl" that's what she calls me. She thinks all my injuries are from accidents because I can't tell what really happened. Even tough I didn't do anything, I would still be considered "fighting". I hate the school rules.

I went to my first period which went peacefully. Nobody talked to me, as usual. As the lesson went on, I was getting more nervous. When it finally ended, I felt like I was frozen. I didn't want to get beat up but I didn't fancy the idea of something worse either.


Slowly, Adora got up and gathered her things. She put them in her locker, trying to delay the inevitable as much as she can. With a sigh, she slowly started walking towards the far lockers. She stopped once she spotted her bullies. They looked at her and laughed. Suddenly she was grabbed and forced to kneel before the leader, Octavia. (Edit: Lonnie to Octavia)

Adora's POV

 Sean was holding me very tight. He's probably the only one stronger than me but I could beat him too. If I could fight. As Octavia(Edit: Lonnie to Octavia) smirked at me, I braced for the hit I knew would come. I felt a hit on my face and my cheeks started burning.

She slapped me?

I was surprised, I was expecting worse. And worse came soon after. She punched my jaw hard enough to make it bruise. Then she allowed the rest of her gang to hit me too. I was laying there, helpless as they hit me, punched me, kicked me or pulled my hair. 

Stop, please just stop. I want it all to end. I want to end it all, n-no I can't think that, I have a plan, I need to follow it.

"HEY!" interrupted a girls voice. "Leave her alone!"

I turned around to look at my savior.

"Worthless" (Catradora HS Au)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें