Part 4

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"I... I... No. You cannot. You hate me."

"Yes, I do."

"But then you cannot–"

"Oh, but yes, I can." A short laugh filled the tensed air. "For all these years, as a child, then later, as a teenager, and as a young adult, you have always been the only one to ignite such opposite, conflicting feelings inside me. I hated you for your cruelty. And yet, I could not help but respect you, for your strength, your power, your ambition. You despised me, I was nothing more than an insect you could crush between your bare hands. You would always prefer my sister over me, and so, you chose to educate her, to teach her, and not me. But you did not quite give up on me either. For some reason, you would always come back to me, even though we had nothing in common, and conversation would never come without screams and shouts. You never offered kindness, that is true. And yet, after you had performed your duty of tutelage with Diane, you still had attention to offer me; impatient, disdainful, angry attention, but attention nonetheless. You offered me heated arguments, hateful shouts, and harsh touches. You offered me adventure, and you did not even know it. I loved you all the more for it."

When she was finished, smile lingering at the corner of her lips, Kiryana was left with nothing other than trembling lips and so, she joined her wringing hands before her. Utterly unbelieving.

"That is... impossible."

"Not as quite as you thought, apparently." Danae shrugged her shoulders in false nonchalance. "And then, every element of the spell had to adapt to that... funny hazard. The mind of the spell made it so that, for it to be broken, you had to loose your memory as well as I did. Thus, the line destined to me, "memory and flesh are to be left behind", applied to you as well. And so, you changed appearance too. You, Kiryana, became the Nameless Girl and I, Danae, the Dragon Unseen."

Kiryana could not quite speak, and she fell to the ground, knees hitting solid stone.

"What of the sacrifice of your offspring?" She rasped, the mere effort painful for her constricted throat.

"Well, can't you guess, Kiryana?" Danae said softly as she reached out to her. Kiryana hesitated before taking the offered hand, and letting the princess get her on her firm feet. She then found herself face to face with the lost princess, their skins mere inches apart, breaths mingling together, hands still intertwined.

"We were alone in this castle. I was chained, and you would not leave your tower. So yes, I killed my children because you cursed me to do it," Danae murmured, each word a sweet blow on Kiryana's lips, « but I chose to make meals out of them to keep you alive, you damn witch."

"How..." She stopped as she felt the princess' breath entering her own mouth as she spoke, but kept going anyway, "How did you know it was me?"

"Oh, I suppose..." Danae's lips curled up into a radiant smile as she tugged on the sorceress's hand, squeezing it to her heart, and thus dragging the woman even closer. "I just..." She whispered, each syllable as many caresses against the witch's lips, "knew."

Kiryana arched a disdainful eyebrow, eyes drawn to the welcoming mouth, and...

Danae slid a hand behind the sorceress' neck and pulled the woman she thought was made of ice to her. She crushed their lips together. Violent, merciless, but the taste and feel were all the more heavenly.

Danae cupped Kiryana's cheek tenderly with her free hand, thus locking their lips in an everlasting embrace. She would not let go, and by chance, Kiryana would not, either.

Kiryana had yet fought another dragon, but this time, she let it win. Its name was embroidered in an handkerchief, in her soul. It sang to her ears and to her heart. Danae.

Danae found peace, adventure and love, and was finally able to put a name on it. The name was first spat and scorned with hatred. The name was then cursed to silence, but is now whispered with longing and bliss. Kiryana.

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