Chapter 15: Answer

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Jisoo arrived at school the next day. She was hesitating whether to skip or not seeing that she would be facing Taeyong first thing in the morning. She hovered in front of their classroom for a moment before deciding to open it.


Jisoo flinched at first but sagged in relief after realizing that it was only Nayeon who had called her.

Jisoo forced a smile. "Hey. What's up?" Jisoo went to sit on her seat and Nayeon followed her. "What happened to your private meeting with the president?"

Nayeon groaned, plopping on the seat in front of Jisoo. "It was ruined! It turned out that he called for everyone that day for help." She pouted. "I thought i'm the only one he had called."

Jisoo laughed, finding her friend cute but Nayeon glared at her, causing Jisoo to purse her hear-shaped lips.

"Hello ladies." Taeyong arrived and sat beside Jisoo. He turned at the girl and smiled. "Good morning."

Jisoo tensed, her heart skipping a thousand beat.

"Oh. Hi Tae." Nayeon greeted. "I almost forgot. Did you manage to meet up with Jisoo yesterday?" Nayeon then turned to look at Jisoo. "He was looking for you, did you know?"

"Huh?" Jisoo looked flustered by the ambush. "Oh, uh–"

"Yeah, i found her at the pool just fine." Taeyong beamed. "Thanks."

Jisoo swallowed. He glanced at Taeyong and was caught red-handed. She immediately looked away, cursing herself for being awkward. Luckily, their homeroom teacher arrived and their conversation was interrupted.

Jisoo was losing her mind. She couldn't seem to concentrate all through out their lesson and it was all Taeyong's fault. She kept glancing over him but the boy seemed unbothered by what happened between them yesterday.

Come on Chu, focus!

"And that would be all for today." Teacher Eun said, closing his book. "Don't forget to turn in your papers tomorrow, alright? I don't want excuses especially about the upcoming festival."

Lunch finally came and Jisoo couldn't be more happier to escape from Taeyong's company. She immediately ran outside, leaving Nayeon behind. Jisoo hid behind the school drinking fountain near the track field with her pack lunch.

"What are you doing over there Jisoo?"

Jisoo jumped. She turned around and met Taehyung's gaze with his camera hanging around his neck.

"Oh, hi Tae." Jisoo straightened. "What are you doing here? What about lunch?"

Taehyung smiled sheepishly, rubbing the back of his neck. "I was about to head to the cafeteria but then i saw you acting weird so i followed you just in case you need help with something."

"Oh." Jisoo paused. "We can share my pack lunch if you want. That if you're okay with just sandwiches."

"Really? And sandwich's actually fine." Taehyung showed his box-shaped smile.

"It's okay. I actually felt bad. If you went to the cafeteria by now, there will be no food left." Jisoo smiled, looking guilty. "The judo club always buy them in bulk."

The two of them sat on a nearby bench and ate their lunch peacefully. They talked about anything that would come up in their heads.

"Hey Tae, can i ask you something personal?" Jisoo asked, facing Taehyung.

"Yeah sure." Taehyung turned to face Jisoo, cupping his chin with both his hands. "What is it?"

"I notice you always had your camera around you." Jisoo chewed on her lower lip. "Does it mean anything to you? The camera or the art of photography itself?"

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