Chapter 13: Paradox

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Jisoo was on her way now to the Supernatural Club for their club activities when suddenly the guy from class 3-B came up to her. Kai was her name if she remembered it correctly. He was the one who fought with Bobby for insulting her. Jisoo's face suddenly contorted with disgust.

"Kim Jisoo right?" Kai fidgeted. He really hated this kind of thing but a bet is a bet. Kai suddenly knelt in front of Jisoo which made the latter to widen her eyes. "I'm really sorry."

"What?" Jisoo looked confused as ever. What just happened?

"Jisoo-ssi." Kai looked up with his pleading eyes. "Please forgive me. I was a complete jackass to you and your friend. Everything that i've said so far that might've hurt you, i'm really really sorry."

The other students who saw them began to murmur. It was a sight to see; a senior guy begging for a sophomore's forgiveness. They've always known how of a douschebag the senior guy was and somehow seeing him beg for someone else's forgiveness was kind of new and refreshering.

Jisoo was taken aback. Well, she didn't actually expect him to say sorry for what he had done to her and her friends but there he was kneeling in front of her looking so desperate.

"Please, Jisoo-ssi." Kai begged once again.

Jisoo sighed, shaking her head. "Alright sunbae. I forgive you."

"Really?" Kai blinked. He couldn't believe Jisoo would forgive him that easily. "I mean, thank you so much Jisoo-ssi."

Kai left still looking confused while Jisoo could only smile still not believing what just happened.

"What was that all about?"

"Holy sh–" Jisoo jumped. She turned and saw that famous box shaped smile. "Taehyung."

Taehyung usually wore that signature smile of his but that time it didn't reach up to his eyes. Jisoo noticed it and couldn't help but ask.

"What's wrong?" Jisoo asked.

"Huh?" Taehyung was taken aback. He was surprised Jisoo asked him that question first. Fate must be playing with him.

"And that." Jisoo pointed towards the retreating figure of Kai. "It was nothing. He just asked for my forgiveness."

"I see." Taehyung smiled whole-heartedly, feeling relieved. It was nice that some students were starting to see now for what she truly was, which is kind. "Heading for the clubroom?"


"Perfect timing. Me too." Taehyung hooked his arm through Jisoo's and began pulling the girl with him, skipping like a kid.

"Hold on." Jisoo halted.

"Hmm? What is it?" Taehyung also stopped to look at the uncomfortable Jisoo.

"Actually.." Jisoo hesitated. She didn't know how to break it to her club members. "I was going to ask you guys if i could take a break from our club activities this week?"

"What?" Taehyung pouted.

Jisoo clasped her hands together, begging. "Please? We have a swimming practicum this coming friday. Nayeon already agreed to teach me after class so..."

Taehyung's frown deepened. It was almost like a grimace and it didn't escape from Jisoo's eyes. The girl suddenly felt awful.

"I promise i'll make it up to you next week." Jisoo butted her eyes, smiling sweetly.

Taehyung couldn't help but give in. You couldn't really resist those cute eyes and those heart shaped lips that kept pouting. Well, so much for his plan to talk to her in private.

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