Chapter 10: Confrontation

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Taehyung was showing Jisoo the pictures he took on his camera when Jimin suddenly barged inside the clinic. Jimin immediately met Taehyung's gaze but frowned when he noticed Jisoo beside him. Jimin was about to ask Jisoo what she was doing there when Taehyung interrupted him.

"Hey Jimin, what's up?" Taehyung beamed towards his bestfriend.

"Taehyung-ah!" Jimin ran towards Taehyung. "Where have you been? I've been looking all over for you."

"Why?" Taehyung frowned. "What's the problem?"

"I need you to take some photos for me." Jimin said. "It seems like there's a fight going on inside the ladies' toilet near the clubrooms!"

Taehyung's eyes lit up. "Really? Then, what are we still waiting for? Let's go!"

Taehyung immediately stood up and headed for the door but paused upon remembering something. Taehyung looked back, meeting Jisoo's gaze.

"You come too, Jisoo."

Jimin blinked before clearing his throat. "Yeah, Taehyung's right. You can come with us since you're also part of our club now."

Jisoo sighed. "Alright."

Jisoo stood up, making Taehyung grin even wider. The three of them were now headed for the ladies' toilet where the fight was supposed to be happening. There was already a small crowd gathering around that place by the time the supernatural club arrived.

The three of them squeezed their way through the crowd and heard some shouting and grunting inside the toilet. Jisoo scowled when she recognized one of those voices. Jisoo craned her neck and spotted Jennie fighting against five girls.

"Yah!" Jisoo didn't think twice and immediately jumped right into the fight.

"Jisoo?" Taehyung gaped.

Seulgi spotted Jisoo and immediately went fo her hair. Jisoo gasped but didn't back down. She also grabbed Seulgi's hair and began pulling it.

Jennie widened her eyes when she saw Jisoo fighting Seulgi. Jennie could've handled Seulgi and Wendy on her own but the two bitches called for backup. It just so happened that three of their friends were just waiting outside the toilet.

Wendy saw Seulgi having a hard time against Jisoo so she decided to help her. Wendy grabbed Jisoo's necktie and tried to pull her away from Seulgi but Jisoo caught on to her plan and managed to grab her hair in exchange.

All seven of them were screaming and shouting out of pain, frustration and anger. It was a total mess and the people outside couldn't do anything but just watch. Taehyung was so shock that his mouth was literally hanging open. Hearing Jisoo's scream shook him from his own reverie. Taehyung blinked before stepping out of the crowd but Jimin pulled him back.

"But Jimin-ah—"

Jimin shook his head. "It's out of our hands now."


The practice game of the baseball club had just ended. Jinhwan and the rest of his teammates were already cleaning up the equipments when Hoseok suddenly came running towards them.

"I got news!" Hoseok screamed. "You won't believe what i just heard on my way here."

Jinhwan rolled his eyes before placing all the mitts inside the large box. He must admit, Hoseok was a fast runner, the very reason why he was given the position of shortstop but the guy was worse than a girl when i came to gossips.

"What is it, hyung?" Doyoung, the team's reserved pitcher leaned in. "What did you hear?"

Hoseok looked at Jinhwan, wide-eyed. "Yah, Jinhwan-ah, it seems like your sister is fighting again. This time, it's a group of seniors."

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