Chapter 9: Bullied

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The next day came and it was worse than Jisoo had expected. Sure, she got Bobby and the rest of their friends to accompany her during breaks but Jisoo was all alone inside their classroom. Her classmates continued to bully her by ignoring her existence. Even Taeyong who was supposed to annoy the hell out of her was avoiding her.

Jisoo's day got worse when Hanbin and Yunhyeong couldn't make it to lunch because of their club meeting. Jinhwan also had his practice game against their rival school while Bobby had his dentention for beating up a senior. Jisoo didn't have a choice but to hide somewhere the other students wouldn't find her.

When Jisoo was on her way to her secret place, another group of girls confronted her. This time it was a group of senior girls. Jisoo automatically clasped her lunch tighter into her chest.

"Are you class 2-A's Kim Jisoo?" One of them asked.

Jisoo didn't answer. She only nodded. Suddenly, two of them managed to grab Jisoo's arms. Jisoo gasped when her lunch fell unto the floor. The girl who seemed to be the leader grabbed her chin and made her look up.

"This is all your fault." The leader said. "The whole school is in a mess because of you."

"What are you saying?" Jisoo glared.

"Yah!" One of them pulled Jisoo's hair. Jisoo fought back the tears that were threatening to fall from the corners of her eyes. "How dare you glare at our friend. You're the one who is at fault here."

"I don't know exactly what you're trying to say but i need you let go of me now." Jisoo said, still glaring.

"What did you say?" The leader scoffed. "Yah, let her go."

Her minions followed and immediately let Jisoo go but as soon as she was free, the leader was fast to push Jisoo away. Jisoo fell on her butt, scraping her left palm on the process. The leader and her minions laughed.

"Serves you right." The leader said. "I can't believe you even tried to hog Taeyong all to yourself."

"How did you even manage to get his attention anyway?" One of them asked. "Taeyong used to play with us all the time but for the past couple of days, you're all he sees and cares about."

"Is that it?" Jisoo stood up. "You're jealous because Taeyong doesn't pay any attention to you now?" Jisoo suddenly laughed. She ruffled her hair, feeling irritated. "Aissh. You've got to be kidding me."

The girls froze. They were all dumbfounded to see her fight. They thought they could intimidate Jisoo with their bullying but it was giving them the opposite result. Jisoo was bolder and stronger.

Taeyong and his friends who were just passing at that time have somehow witnessed the whole ordeal. They were watching them in secret.

"She's tougher than i thought." Johnny commented. "I'll give her that."

"But still, she should know better than fight those girls." Yuta grimaced. "Those girls are Taeyong's fangirls. They can get violent when it comes to him."

Taeyong bit down his urge to help Jisoo. He knew he was the reason why those girls were bullying her. Yuta might've seen his expression since he patted Taeyong's back.

"It's not your fault Taeyong." Yuta said to him. "Jisoo already knew what was coming for her since the rumour broke out. It was just a matter of time before those girls would start coming for her."

"Let's just leave them." Johnny told his friends. "Lunch will be over before we know it."

Taeyong bit his bottom lip before letting himself be dragged by Yuta. The three of them secretly left to get some yakisoba bread in the canteen.

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