Cht.24•Just a dream•

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~Hour later~
Mateo comes in and Mars behind him, you were happy but upset at the same time:

Mateo:Here's one of your stupid boyfriends

Mar:I'm sorry Sierra

Mateo laughs and you look at the confused, then someone throws Mattia in the room and he's all beaten up and you feel tears in your eyes, then you hear a gun cock and look to see Mars point in a gun at Mattia.

You:Mar- what a-are you doing??

Mar:I really am sorry(he tears up)

You:S-stop don't do th-

You get cut off by a loud bang and you closed your eyes and once you opened them you were in your bed and Mar was laying by you confused and worried:

Mar: what happened bb?

You:N-nothing just a bad dream


You text Mattia:


Mattia:hi why you texting me so late?

You:idk goodnight


You go back to sleep and Mar is also asleep with his arms around you, in the morning you wake up and get ready for school so does Mar you go down stairs and see his mom is back from her trip you say hi and sit by her.
~at school~
You get to school and meet up with your friends mattia messes around with you and talks about how short you are and you call him a dinosaur then Mar comes and asks if he can talk to you alone you say sure and go to his locker.
Mar:so Ive been thinking and I really love you and I want you to be mine forever so will you be my girlfriend?

You:Sorry.... Yess!

Mar:thank god you had me scared for a second mamas

You laugh and kiss him the boys see and come over to you both.
Mattia:oh uh congrats
You and Mar:thxs:)
You guys go to first period and sit by each other and do your work till lunch, you guys sit by each other and eat. You were finally happy and you loved your friends and Mar they made you super happy and nothing could change that.
Should this be the end of this story? And should I make a new one? 💗💗💗💗

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