what love gave?

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When it happened?
Did she have an idea ?
Her  story of love...
Was not as pure as white dove...
Well.... to see the bright laugh of his...
She descended her crown to this....

Today the room is filled with darkness
She did have her weakness...
He was her .... achillies heel
And in her wound he was last heal...
She was a sunshine ....
And he was her frugal wine...

Oh...don't mistake for a happy ending...
The did not meet in the plot depending..
What love gave her?
Yes he was always by her side..
But that was an illusion to meet people's eye....

What you can see now?
Was the truth hidden beneath the marriage vow?
For what he asked "can you die for me? That would give me freedom"
Turned his face and exited the dark old place...
She stood at the window ...
Dressed in white flared wedding dress..
That had not been pressed...
The last time she wore....
It was less of hate and love more....

Why it turned out like this?
On that night...
You could see a fairy dressed in white...
Give the world it's last fight..
Taking around the old darkened villa a last sight......
After all she wanted was his happiness right?

She took out the frame .....
On which was a picture of two husband and wife in name....
She lashed it hard on the ground...
As if even almighty could hear her heart's sake ...
She dropped to the floor....
Of this place which was once a angle's make ..
Will now never welcome affection ....
The light was lost...
The pain was at it's most...
She took the papers of divorce...
Through the shining glass of frame...
She let go of same....
Oh .. what a shame..

The pricing glass went through her skin..
Cutting her only artery near the wrist....
To mark an end on the aching list...
Making the blood flow out to. Its brim...

She signed the papers and wrote it "sin"
Her last words inscribed in wooden deck...
"You asked for wealth...
I gave you ....
You ask for death....
I gave you...
You are free you see....
The biggest punishment I give you...
You will know because no one can love you like me...goodbye. ... we are even"
Her words will remain unbared..

One day he will meet his fate....
But to see this her eyes are tired...
Her ears are not in a perfect state ...
And to realize her love ....he was late...
So the bitter death she has taste...
Don't let your time waste...
Don't let ever go of love and your mate


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