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I continued to wait for him to answer. He was just standing there, shaking like all Hell was breaking loose. This guy was making me lose MY PATIENCE!

Crikey simply sighed and lowered his head, "It's... A rare metal! I think. Queen, this is an accomplishment for ME, can't you be proud of me?"

"I'd be proud if it were something more interesting than metal. Plus, what'll we do with it, make SWORDS? Actually, that doesn't sound like a bad idea..." I spoke.

He sniffled and cried, "Queen, you're so MEAN! Can't you just be... well, nice? And not cruel to us? You don't make ANYONE happy here! The town should be renamed to DEPRESSION TOWN FOR FUCK SAKES!"

Oh, those words made me FURIOUS! I was very close to snapping! "Crikey, you small cricket, you've been here for YEARS now. I say, YEARS. You should know how this town goes and the rules... Also, please don't call me mean or rude, I will not hesitate to throw you into the dungeon!" I exclaimed, putting my gloved hand together and smiling widely, "And everyone here IS happy. Look at the servants!!" I gestured towards my little slaves, who quickly stood up straight. They had their beautiful smiles on this entire time, I was so proud of them! I looked at Crikey, who seemed close to frowning. I wasn't gonna let this dumbass do that, not today, NOT EVER!

Crikey collapsed to the ground and his smile quickly changed in a flash. I noticed this and growled deeply. "One of you, whip him!" I demanded a servant to go and whip this man, which one of them did and hit him! He was bleeding now, I liked that!
"Qu-Queen, s-stop this!!" Tears filled up Crikey's eyes as he struggled to get up, "WE'RE TIRED OF WORKING FOR A WOMAN WHO TREATS US LIKE SHIT!!"

For a good minute, I stared at him. After that minute, I looked at all my servants and gestured for them to whip him, but none of them obeyed. They all just... stood there. I started grinding my teeth as I stepped off my throne. I rolled my hand into a fist, preparing to hit this cock-sucking slut.

I stood over him. He looked up at me with fear. Truly, I am intimidating! I punched his lower jaw and pushed him down. I heard some of my servants gasp, but I didn't turn around and face them. Crikey cried loudly, he was obnoxious! I picked him up and slammed him against the wall, somehow managing to keep this smile on my face.

Then, I felt a sharp pain in my side. I looked down and saw a knife! I looked back at Crikey, who was back to smiling, but it wasn't happy, I'll tell ya. It was more like a smile you'd see on some sort of Asian serial killer. "You fucking bitch," I spoke, shaking. And then... I collapsed.

Crikey then picked me up. This was shocking since he's short and wimpy-looking! "WHAT ARE YOU DOING?! I DEMAND YOU TO PUT ME DOWN!" I tried to wriggle away, but I was losing quite a lot of blood in such little time. I felt like I was gonna pass out. He said nothing. That little fucking bastard threw me into the dungeon! Sadly, before I could run out, he slammed the damn door on me! AND LOCKED IT!! Oh, and he also took my ROYAL CROWN!

I stayed near the door despite that. I heard him mumble something, which I assume was, "I'll let her starve." I banged on the door and screamed things at him, hoping to offend him. I don't think I did, then again, shouldn't assume that. I ended up screaming so loud, I ruptured my vocal cords! Ouch, indeed.
I gave up for now. After all, screaming and blood loss wore me out. I laid on the hard, cold, concrete flooring. For the first time in years, I wasn't smiling. I was frowning.

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