The Kidnapping

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Shigaraki P.O.V.

     I woke to someone lightly shaking my shoulder. I open one of my eyes wearily.

     "What do you want?..." I grumble.

     "It's 3:30, we were going to leave 15 minutes ago, but you didn't come out. Twice and I waited and then decided I had to wake you up."

      "You should've let me sleep," I look up and see Dabi's face tilted to the side, looking at me with concern. "Woah, back up a little. Too close."

      He backs up and stops shaking me. I yawn and stretch, my mind still half asleep. I was already dressed and, for some reason already had shoes on, so I got up and lead Dabi out of my room.

     As Dabi said, Twice was waiting by the back door tapping his foot impatiently. 

     "You finally wake up!" Twice says in his normal voice, then he continues in a deeper tone, "Maybe if you stayed asleep we could've avoided this suicide mission."

     I growl at him, "If you follow the plan, everything will turn out fine."

    Twice pouts and Dabi opens the door for me. I walk out into the crisp afternoon, still tired. 

     "Coffee?" Dabi offers a cup to me, "It's from Ma with love."

     I fight a smile at the thought of the old woman and take the warm cup. "Thank you, now let's go before we miss our opening."

     "Uh, when was our opening, exactly?" Twice asks carefully in his normal voice.

    "Five minutes ago, so we gotta run."

    "I called a cab, it'll come by the hardware store around the corner and will take us by the house in about five minutes." Dabi closes the door and locks it.

    The three of us run to the hardware store Dabi was talking about, arriving just as the cab pulled up. We slide into the car, with Twice taking the passenger seat. Dabi glared at him and told the cab driver their destination. 

      The car pulled away from the sidewalk and merged into the oncoming traffic. There was hardly any space in the back seat, just enough for Dabi and I to sit down and have a cat sit in-between us. I looked out the window, watching the buildings and people pass by quickly. 

     My mind drifts to the conversation Dabi and I had yesterday, about dating and such. I wouldn't mind having someone beside me, who would stand at my side no matter what, come with me on missions and go shopping together, cuddle on the couch together, kiss... My mind goes on and on before coming to the realization that Dabi did all of that, except the kissing stuff, but my point still stands.

     I glance over at him, my heart beating quickly in my chest. There is no way... I mean... Can he? There was the love letter... 

     I shake my head and look back out the window. This was no time to start thinking about that,  can pick it up later when I don't have next week's paycheck to Dabi, Twice, and the others. 

    The businesses turn into middle class houses, that turn into bigger houses, that turn into mansions. The cab stops at an intersection and we all step out of the car. Dabi looks at the road sign as the car drives away, and starts walking down the road, as if in a trance.

     "Where are you going?" I ask running up to him. "The map says to go this way!"

     "This way is shorter." He says it in a monotone voice, all his focus going into his next step.

     I try to drag him away from his route, but Dabi kept going. He lead Twice and I into a small forest and then, to my surprise, into the backyard of Endeavor's house. 

     I spent all of my time last night studying the file Corvus gave me and committed the Todoroki family to memory, including their names, birthdays, blood type, and so on. So, when I saw Fuyumi Todoroki in the backyard gardening, I knew we were in the right place.

     Dabi starts to step into the carefully crafted garden, but hesitates. "Stay here for a moment, I can make this easier without violence."

     His eyes stare at me determinedly and, though a part of me is saying no, I nod. "Fine, the kid is probably in the house already. Just... be quick, okay?"

     Dabi gives me a small smile, making my heart flutter, and walks into the garden slowly.

     "Hey Fuyumi..." He says softly, taking his hat and mask that kept his identity hidden. How had he managed to remember her name when I had the file? Unless he already knew her... Maybe he was writing the love letter to her...

     As Dabi starts talking to the woman, I feel anger roar in my ears. Their entire conversation is blocked out and my vision turns red. 

     I walk off into the forest a little and find a stump to sit on. Was she really his lover? Is that why he knew her? Damn it, how could he ever like me anyways, I'm hardly attractive and he likes girls. Besides, I can't ever love anyone, just look at how well that turned out. I can't get my hopes up, ever.

     I take a deep breath and return to Twice. Right as I return, Dabi waves us over. Fuyumi glances in our direction and I see her moment of fear. That's right, I'm a villain, no one could ever even think of me romantically. Whatever, who cares right?

     Twice and I walk over to Dabi, avoiding the plants Fuyumi grew, except for the daisy or two I stepped on out of spite. She looks up at us, examining our outfits.

     "So... You are the kinds of villains our dad fights?" Fuyumi asks gently.

     Our? Who else is out here with the flaming trash can as a father? "Yeah, did Dabi fill you in on what we are doing here?"

     "Oh yes. Shoto could use a break from school, so I think he would agree to it." She stands and brushes her pants off. "He is in his room. Dad is at the agency as always, so you don't have to worry about him. Probably would be better if one of you were threatening me, or it'll look like I was a part of it too."

     I look at Dabi confused and he shrugs. I place my hand on her shoulder, lifting a finger so I wouldn't kill her. 

     "Lead the way."

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