A Shadow in Darkness

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Dabi P.O.V.

     I look ahead and see a shadowy figure in the corner of an alley. Something about him rings an alarm bell in my mind. The league has been out of work for a while, but this guy has an insane amount of bloodlust hanging around him.

     I glance over at Tomura and nudge him slightly with my elbow. He flinches and looks over at me, his eyes glazed. Shigaraki takes a deep breath and looks back at the shadow.

     "You are Corvus, right?" He says carefully.

     The figure stands up and walks into the light. His midnight black wings hanging loosely at his side. The man brushes his dark cloak off and fixes his shirt before he speaks.

     "Yes I am, leader of the Coven and master thief I might add." Corvus' eyes squint in the white floodlight. "Jesus, can't they turn those down? Anyways, you are Tomura Shigaraki, leader of the League of Villains, but has never shown his face on live television."

     Shigaraki hardens his expression and nods. "Can we-" 

     "Meanwhile," Corvus interrupts, "this must be Dabi, the Pyromaniac of Tokyo, nice to meet you in person!"

     My face pales at the sudden attention. I nod nervously and bite my lip. "That wasn't the best time for me..."

     Corvus laughs, "Oh you are funny. Anyway, let's head to somewhere more private."

     As he walks off, Tomura grumbles and follows him. I trail a few feet behind them, still carrying groceries, which are digging into my skin.

     Corvus enters a small room which has a few chairs lined out at a table, "Have a seat! You can place your bags on one of the chairs, I won't steal from them."

     He sits down at the head of the table, which leaves two seats for Shigaraki and I at the other end. When we sit down, Corvus leans back in his chair and pulls out a phone.

     "So," He says as he scrolls through an app, "I have the money ready for you, but, as you know, you still have to do the job."

     "You haven't told me what you needed me to do, so there is no way I could've done it by now!" Shigaraki argues impatiently.

     Corvus tuts, still looking at the device. "That's no way to act when I am the only thing keeping you from paying your bills. Back then, I didn't know what to have you do, but I know now."

     I hold my breath. I don't even have to look over to know that Tomura is seething. He loathes being talked to like he is beneath someone, but he hates being in debt even more, so this Corvus is turning Tomura into a ticking time bomb.

     "What do you need us to do?" I ask, swallowing my fear. 

     "First of all, who asked you to speak. Second of all, good diplomacy skills, because of that, I'll answer your question." Corvus snaps his fingers and a man runs out with a map. I unfold it and notice the big red circle.

     "That's my- That's Endeavor's estate..." I look up at Corvus confused.

     "Correct-a-mundo, the flaming pro hero has been causing my organization some problems and so, just to be petty, I want to take something valuable to him." He finally sets the phone down and watches us with a smirk. "I know he doesn't give a damn about his family, but he seems to adore one specific member, his youngest son. I believe the kid's name is Shoto Todoroki."

     Corvus slides a file over to us. "That will have all the information you need, but here's a summary; kidnap the kid and, because of space restrictions at HQ, you will keep him in your base until the old fart pays the ransom. Sound good?"

     I think it over thoughtfully and look over at Tomura, who is slowly letting his anger go. 

     "Fine, I agree." He stands and picks up the file. "We will take our leave now, thank you."

     I start to stand up too, but Corvus throws something at my head. I catch it out of reflex and notice it was my phone.

     "Thanks for letting me borrow that. Hope it works out between you two." Corvus winks and leans back in his chair.

     I blush slightly, trying to control my face. In defeat, I slip my phone in my pocket and turn around, following Tomura out the door.

     "Damn bird..." Shigaraki mutters. He walks the rest of the way out of the shopping center without saying a word.

    When we get back to the warehouse, I set down the groceries and start unpacking them. Shigaraki heads straight to his room, leaving me with Toga and Twice.

    "Where are Compress and Kurigiri?" I ask before they question me about what happened.

     "Out on vacation. The two of them have actual kids, did you know that?" Toga said with a smile.

     "Okay then, can you help me with putting these away then?" 

    She shrugs, "sure, I have nothing else to do."

Shigaraki P.O.V.

     I slump down in my chair and rub my eyes. Corvus was new to the game, but made the right moves and somehow made his way to the top of the food chain, making him the right person to ask for money, but the least favorable to deal with. The newbies were always talked big game without having any plans, but this kid... He made the big game a goal and reached it. It was the only admirable aspect about him. 

     I open up my notebook and start drafting my plan for this kidnapping. I knew the kid, he was scary powerful, making fools out of the low-level thugs I hired for the attack on the USJ. I watched his fights at the sports festival, especially the one against Izuku Midoriya. Hard to believe he was a kid to be totally honest.

     Though he was powerful when using both of his quirks, Shoto Todoroki stuck to using his ice quirk the most. That being said, Dabi should go to balance it out. Twice would be a good back up plan too... I should come along to make sure the job gets done correctly, considering Twice's slip-up last time.

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