The Beginning

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       Dabi slouched against the couch in the warehouse. Shigaraki had just left, leaving Dabi a blushing mess.

       "Why does he have to be so damn cute?" Dabi mutters, covering his face with his hands. Shigiraki walked out with only an oversized t-shirt and boxers on. The shirt had slipped off his shoulder and... 

        "Gah!!!" He leans back into the cushions. "Why am I like this?" His face was probably redder than the sweater he was wearing. Just thinking of Tomura's face as he yawned and the innocent face he had when he searched the fridge for food. Dabi's heart fluttered, he had felt this way before only once before.

        "And besides," He thought, "I don't even know if he is into men..."

       He sighs and stands up, shaking the thoughts of Tomura Shigaraki and steps out into the world. He walks around the block a few times before he settles on his destination, the little donut shop on Cherry Road.

       Why this particular store? Well, they trusted Dabi for one, an odd decision, I know. As Dabi walks down the street he recalls the events. The hero and villain fighting in the middle of the street with no regards for the innocent lives they were risking. Dabi, or Touya as he was called at the time, was walking down the street, trying to stay undercover. He looks up in time to see an uprooted tree hurtling toward a family watching the fight. Out of pure instinct, he throws his flames toward the tree, burning it to ashes in seconds. After the fight subsided, the family came up to him and promised him safety at their shop and anything else he may need.

       He yawns. How much sleep did he get last night? Oh well... He could just get a coffee from the shop.

       Dabi enters the shop with a familiar ring.

      "Hey Ma, hey Pa. How is everyone?" He walks over calmly to the counter as a short, scrawny woman turns around and reaches her hands onto the counter feeling for Dabi's hands. He gently places his hand on hers. "I'm right here Ma."

      "Oh Touya... It's been a while since you've visited. How is work?" She smiles at him with her eyes, empty, yet so full of life staring off into the distance somewhere to his left.

      "You know where I work," He answers with a smile, "lots of blood and lots of gruesome facts you could be spared."

      She nods knowingly. "Any new developments?"

     "In what?" He feigns ignorance, knowing exactly what she meant.

     "Your crush. Just because I'm blind, doesn't mean I can't see what's on your mind." She teases.

     He gulps, blushing madly. Dabi takes a deep breath and exhales.

     "You got me, I'm just not sure you would be... comfortable with it..."

     She turns her hand over and holds Dabi's hand, massaging the back of his hand with her thumb.

     "Hon, I am Bisexual, in case you feel uncomfortable. I honestly don't care what gender you prefer, but I do care who you date. No son of mine will date a snake if I can help it!"

     Dabi smiles. "Thanks Ma... Does Pa know too?"

     An old man busts into the room from the kitchen door, he is covered head to toe in batter. "OF COURSE I KNOW."

     Dabi runs behind the counter and hugs the old man. Pa chuckles and taps his back. "Don't worry son, we will always be here for you."

     After a few minutes of apologies and greetings, Dabi sits back down and shows them a picture of Tomura. Pa describes Dabi's crush to Ma, thankfully, he was always good at this.

     "So?" Dabi squirmed with anticipation. "W-what do you think?"

     "Not my personal choice, but he sounds like a lovely man." Ma bites into a chocolate bar.

    Pa grumbles to himself, "a lovely man in desperate need of chapstick..."

    Dabi thinks to himself happily, "THIS is what a family is... I have a family."

   "Wipe that smug grin off your face and tells us more about this guy," Pa snaps, "bet I could beat him in a fight."


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