Ocean's Breath (28)

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Lucifer walked into the kitchen, obviously noticing the lack of family dinner, and saw Gabriel. "Hey." He looked up from the pot of boiling water.

"Oh, hi Luce." He tossed some noodles into the pot and leaned back onto the counter. "It's been quiet." Lucifer nodded and walked into the pantry, grabbing two cans of spaghetti-o's and walking out.

"Michael's been reading all day." Gabriel frowns.

"What for?" He turned away and looked at the cans in his hands, frowning. He wasn't sure if he was supposed to tell him what had happened, but he had promised to Sam...

"Who knows, maybe he finally made up his mind on what he was going to do in his life." He takes a bowl and dumps the two cans into a bowl, putting it in the microwave. "I should probably eat something less sodium filled and more healthy."

"When have you ever cared about your health?" He scoffs and trap Gabriel in a head lock.

"Listen here you little jerk-"

"Hey." The two look up to see Castiel standing in the doorway looking a little disturbed. Lucifer let go of Gabriel.

"What's wrong Cas?" 

"It's Sam. I tried to tell him that Amara wasn't going to make dinner, but he didn't answer and when I tried to open the door, it wouldn't budge."

"Was it locked?" He shook his head and Lucifer's blood went cold, but before he could say anything, Gabriel rushed pass him, a serious but scared look on his face. "Gabe!" Lucifer ran after him and found him pushing on the door.

"I think it's barricaded from the inside. I'm going to go through the window." Lucifer grabbed his wrist before he could even go around the corner.

"Wait!" Gabriel growled at him, actually growled and it caused Lucifer to let go of his wrist. "If he's barricaded the door we can just talk to him through it. There's no reason to freak out about it." He saw his fists clench and unclench. "We need to be calm in a situation like this."

"How can I be calm if just a about a week ago he was ready to fling himself off of a building?!" That news floored him and he stood there in shock.

"W-What are you talking about Gabriel?" Tears began to stream down the boy's face.

"The other day at the hospital I found him sitting on the edge of the building on the roof, talking to himself... He..." Gabriel couldn't finish the sentence. "So every day now I'm terrified that I'm going to wake up and find him dead or worse!" Lucifer's face softened and he pulls his brother into a hug.

"Don't worry. I'm sure Sam is just asleep and didn't want anyone bothering him." They stood there for a few moments before Gabriel pulled away.

"I'm still using the latter to see if he's okay." Lucifer chuckled and nodded.

"Let me help."

Sam's POV

It was morning when I woke up again, the odd warmth of Jareth gone. Wait. I shot up in my bed, confused and concerned for myself. I actually fell asleep in the lap of someone in my head? How the hell was that even possible? And warmth?! 

A knock at the door broke me out of my mental freak out. "Hey Sam, breakfast is ready whenever you want to come down." It was Michael.

"Mm, yeah... Thanks..." I then noticed the chair propped up against the door and I frowned. When the hell did that happen?

I got out of bed and moved the chair to open the door. Michael was still standing there, book in hand and absently looking through it. "I also wanted to ask about yesterday if that's alright with you."

"What about yesterday?" He looked up from the book and looked at me past the rim of his glasses.

"I dunno, maybe the fact that you scared the shit out of Gabriel with the barricaded door." I frown.

"Even I don't know how that happened..." I looked up to see Jareth waving at me behind Michael. "It was probably him..." Michael looked behind himself.

"Who? Oh. Right." My frown deepened as Jareth nonchalantly shrugged.

"I did tell you it was close to schizophrenia."

"So, you can see him?"

"Yeah... Although, it's weird. If I look directly at him for too long he starts to blur and fade away." And I can feel him. I decided not to include that last part, but of course Jareth noticed and his smirk softened into a fond smile. I don't know what kicked him so hard to rearrange his brain (er... Well my brain, but that's complicated) into acting like a doting figure, but it freaked me out a little.

"That's fairly normal." He looked down at the book he was reading and pushed up his glasses. "Many people who suffer from Dissociative Identity Disorder can experience auditory or visual hallucinations. It's like a sub symptom like anxiety, depression, or even eating disorders." He shut the book and took off his glasses, putting them in a case, and then into his pocket. "It's not schizophrenia." He started to walk away, motioning for me to follow. "You need to tell Gabriel. Lucifer and I won't do it because it's your responsibility."

"Yeah Sammy, tell him how well you slept last night in my arms."

"I'm not going to tell him that, you ass!" Before I could think the words were already out of my mouth and Jareth chuckled. "You...." Michael looked over at me and sighed. 

"Hearing you interact with him is strange" I tilt my head in confusion.

"What do you mean?" He gave me the, are you seriously asking me that question, face. I chuckled nervously and scratched my jaw, looking away. "Right... I guess it would be strange..."

We reached the bottom of the stairs and Michael tucked the book underneath his arm. "I mean, yesterday you were just screaming about how he was a serial killer." I frown at his words.

"Ah... I guess you're right." But why do I feel so weird about it now? I looked over to Jareth for an answer, but he was just looking at Michael, actually listening to him. I was confused by his, well, lack of response and just sighed. "Anyway, we should go, Amara's probably wondering what the hell is taking us so long."

Michael's smile returned a little and he chuckled. "Yeah I guess you're right."

As we were walking, Jareth was uncharacteristically silent and I shot him a glance. What was with him today?

Okay okay, I know I'm not posting these in any sort of schedule, but it's more convenient for me as in wanting everyone to see the absolute dumpster fire I publish. Also, writing in Wattpad dark mode is whack. I'm so used to writing in light mode lmao. But hey, I'm writing!

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