Chapter 20

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Shy knows I've had a bad day and surprises me when he comes around the corner with a giant, smiling candy corn Squishmallow plush! Oh my God! He won the pumpkin chucking contest!

"You won! Thank you!" I catch the Squishmallow he playfully tosses at me and hug it to my chest. These things are ultra soft and comfy to sleep on. Uh! I'm in heaven!

"Alex won, one too," he laughs pulling me to him once he sits down next to me. "Wanna talk about it?"

"Not really," I mumble.

"I get it. I really do. But you need to talk to me, Luna. Please don't shut me out."

Should I trust him? I don't really have anything to lose. Maybe Aela is right. Maybe Shy has some suggestions I haven't thought about. Here goes nothing.

"My mother wants me to dump you by tomorrow."

"Mmm," he grunts.

"If I don't, she said she won't pay for my college anymore. She said she'll be watching me, so she'll know if I don't listen to her. I'm supposed to call her tomorrow."

"Okay. Well...let's dissect this. Is she paying the entire tuition or do you have any scholarships or grants?"

"I had a small scholarship from the state I got just for signing up, but that was only a thousand dollars and it's used up. I don't have anything else."

"What were you quoted for the year?"

"I think its fourteen thousand. Kiki's parents picked up my room and board as their graduation gift to me."

"Okay. Listen, Luna, you can't break up with me. Not when I know you wanna be with me. You do, right?" his voice rumbles.

"Of course I do."

"Move in with me. Problem solved."

"What? No way!"

"Why not? Move in with me. I'll take care of your college tuition. You can be out from under your parent's hold right now."

"Shy, I can't do that. What if we have a fight or something happens and you don't want me anymore? Then what? I'm up poop creek without a paddle."

Shy laughs, "It's shit creek."

"I don't like swearing. It's poop creek," I squish the plushy to my chest and rest my head on top of it.

"That's not gonna happen. I get you don't want to move in. You have the rest of the year at your place free and clear. Let me pay for the rest of your tuition. Please, Luna. If I have to get on my hands and knees, I will."

"I don't want to talk about this anymore tonight, Shy. Can we please just go to bed?"

"If we go to bed, tomorrow will come along with your deadline. How the hell am I supposed to sleep not knowing my fate?"

"What if...what if I make it worth your while?" I say in singsong and bite my lip. His eyes follow before they narrow on me.

"What do you mean?" he asks with a voice full of caution.

"I...I mean, maybe we can do things." This is embarrassing. Why can't I just tell him I want to fool around? I need to let off some steam.

He rubs his index finger over his lips with his icy eyes on me. "Is my Luna horny?" he smirks.

"No! Jeeze."

"Mhmmmmm. My little Luna is horny."

"Shut up, Shy. I'm warning you."

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