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Word Count - 1370 ~

I woke up and felt a sense of dread. I haven't told Ichigo why I ran off yesterday. I better go over and explain. I had a shower and changed before walking to Ichigo's house. I knocked on the door and Yuzu answered.

"How many times do we have to tell you, you don't have to knock, you can just walk in" She stepped to the side letting me walk inside.

"You know I wouldn't want to intrude Yuzu. Is Ichigo here? I need to talk to him." I took my shoes off as I spoke.

"Yeah, I think he's still asleep though. But you can stay for breakfast" She offered enthusiastically.

"I'd like that!" I walked into the living room and saw Karin with her football in a net in her hands.

"Hey Karin! Isn't your game on sunday?"

"Yeah! I found someone who can play in the team! He's awesome! He's better than Ichigo!"

"At soccer? Well that seems unlikely but I'll be sure to come and watch you kick their ass and win" I smiled towards her.

"Hell yeah! Im gonna win!" I giggled at her enthusiasm before I heard footsteps come downstairs.

"I have to talk to Ichigo I'll be back soon." Ichigo made it to the bottom of the stairs his hand rubbing the back of his neck as he yawned. He opened his eyes and saw me instantly wanting to ask questions.

"(Y/N)? Where did you run off to yesterday?!"

"Its to early for you to be yelling Ichigo. But Toshiro found out about me so I had to run off so he wouldn't ask questions."


"He found me and asked questions"

"So is he taking you to the head-captain?"

"Surprisingly no, he offered to train with me to see my skills in combat." We were going to continue but we were interrupted by the voice of the younger twin. "Breakfast is ready!"

"We'll talk about this later" I walked to the table to eat breakfast.

~Time skippy~

It was sunday and I was watching Karin's soccer game, and they were losing. I know Toshiro will come here soon so I'm sat far enough away that he won't see me, but I can still see the game. Karin just hurt her leg. 'Seeing that from a different angle, and further away doesn't make it seem like he was cheating.' I then saw him, making his grand entrance walking towards the team. Karin's face lit up as she called for a time-out. They started talking, I already knew the conversation so I wasn't bothered then he agreed to play because of her injury.

Seeing him play the full game from afar was very different than what the anime showed. He really was amazing. Better than I thought actually. He racked up the points rather quickly and let Karin score the last goal that made them win the game. Then not long after, the hollow appeared, and Toshiro pushed her out of the way before she kicked the soccer ball at it, but the hollow hardly felt it. Her friends were passed out and Toshiro already shifted to his soul reaper form, his gegai protecting her friends. I took this as a chance to move closer to them staying out of their view. Karin isn't dumb, Ichigo was gone for most of this week after we spoke. It was the day Karin saw him leave as a soul reaper. She didn't ask me any questions in fear of sounding stupid. Rangiku made it to them even though the hollow was already defeated. Its my time to come in. I ran towards her acting worried. She can't know that I can see them, not yet.

"Karin! Are you okay? What happened?" I went up to her cupping her face checking for injuries.

"I'm fine (Y/N), Toshiro saved me"

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 03, 2022 ⏰

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