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Word count - 2113 ~

Its been two months since then. I had trained and learned how to fight. I also know some simple kido. But right now I was in the soul society. When we got separated I was stuck with Yoruichi. We'd been here for 4 days. Rukia's execution was in 5 days. I knew it would get pulled forward already. But the choice hasn't been made yet. Yoruichi took me to her old training grounds where she would eventually help Ichigo achieve bankai. She had been training me, in shunpo. But now I had to go fight again. I couldn't control shunpo yet so I wasn't going to use it unless absolutely necessary.

"You go ahead, I'll catch up with you" Yoruichi turned and left without waiting for my reply. I headed out, in my shikaisho but I added a hood so no one could see my face. I flash-stepped around avoiding as many people as I can. I felt a very strong spiritual pressure, and considering my location it was probably Kenpachi. I ended up far enough away that he wouldn't be a threat to me. But theres one thing I forgot about. The captain of squad 10. He was nearby but I didn't notice. I was on a rooftop scanning the area before I felt a spiritual pressure that was obviously a captains. But then I felt a blade to my neck. He found me. Before he had a chance to speak I stated my intention.

" I don't want to fight I'm just here to save Rukia and stop Aizen. I'm not particularly fond of his actions and I need to stop him before he gets the hogyuoku"

"Aizen? Captain Aizen is dead! Possibly by your hand" He pushed his blade closer to my skin as an attempt to scare me.

"He's not dead. It's his zanpakuto. I sense him. He is nearby."

"What could a ryuga like you know."

"I know a lot Captain Hitsugaya. Now if you could move Hyorinmaru from my neck that would be much appreciated." I felt his hand tense.

"How do you know that?!" Before he could severely injure me, I used a dagger I kept in my boots to push his zanpakuto away from my neck, getting out of his grasp and jumping to the roof opposite. Making sure to keep my face hidden.

"I don't want to hurt you Toshiro. I don't want to fight. My only intention is to stop Aizen. Go to Central 46. See the truth. You can come find me again if you still don't believe me, we can fight then. But you need to understand, I am no harm to the soul society. None of us are."

"How am I supposed to believe you!"

"Believe me or don't. Just see him for yourself. Then you can come and find me." And with that I left. He seemed to believe me just a little bit. He hesitated before coming after me trying to catch up. But something no one knew. Yoruichi taught me flash-step so I was faster. I lost him quite easily -by hiding my spiritual pressure like Yoruichi taught me- finding myself close to Chad. He was fighting. I didn't join in the fighting I just watched. I knew how this was going to end up so I left it. And then there it was. Chad was all beaten up, but Shunsui asked Nanao to take him to squad 4 for treatment before taking him to the jail-cells. He looked in my direction obviously taking notice of my spiritual pressure. But I already turned back, trying to find my way to Central 46.

I eventually found it. The door was already open which means Toshiro and Rangiku already made it here. I entered and noticed that Aizen was gone and Toshiro was lying on the floor, having been beaten down. Then I saw Isane sending the message to everyone I heard it in my head. I went closer to her. She took notice of me.

"Am I able to speak through that?" She nodded and let me.

"I know you may not trust me but I have stated I am no harm to the soul society. Aizen needs Rukia. He's been making all of the decisions for Central 46. The true power of his zanpakuto is complete hypnosis. Once you have seen him unleash it once he can use it on you at any moment. Be careful, and stop him." Isane stopped the transmission.

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