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Word Count - 525 ~

Basic. That's the only way to describe my life. Basic school, grades, family and friends. Nothing extraordinary happens to me or my life. So many people say 'Everything happens for a reason' but I dont really believe that one bit. If anything is gonna happen its because I did something to cause that event. If you want to do something, or want something to happen you should be the one to do it. That is if you have to power to do so.

But theres still one downfall in my life, and that is the part where I get ignored by everyone. Its not like it bothers me or anything. After 6 years it seems like a normal thing. But its only because I hide my emotions and act very distant. They dont understand what I went through in the past so they wouldnt even think of asking why I act the way I do, or try and sympathise but I know for sure I dont want them to pity me. I rather it this way than be known as the girl who lost her parents to a crime. I just like my own company as far as they know, and I guess thats another reason they try and keep their distance.

But at least I'm at home now. In my own space. Of course it's a little boring on my own. But my parents left me the house fully paid, with some money left over to pay the bills until I'm old enough to pay it all on my own but obviously I try to use that money wisely and save as much as I can from my part-time job for other necessities. Its not like I have anything else to do outside of school anyways. I just cant wait till I can drive dads old car. It's been left in the garage since he died. He always said when I'm old enough we would go on a big adventure somewhere, together as a family. I never got that adventure. It's my one goal in life. To find that adventure, even if I'm alone. He always boasted about his first adventure, thats how he met my mother. It'd be nice to find love on the way. But I'm not fully into that idea, not yet anyways. I know I'm not in the right mindset for that yet, but maybe someday.

One thing that always calms me though is anime. It helps me escape reality even if it's just for a couple of hours. After having dinner and doing all the chores. I decided to take a break. I just finished watching Noragami. So that means I can start a new one. I kinda wanna re-watch Bleach...

...so thats what I did.

I grabbed some snacks and a cup of hot chocolate before setting up the tv and getiing comfy on the sofa with the fluffiest blanket I could find. It was a Friday night so I was free to stay up late and watch it until I fall asleep.

And within 3 hours I fell asleep. But, I did not expect what happened next.


A/N~ This is the only chapter that will be this short, the rest of them have over 1000 words but i just found it difficult to stretch this one out. But i hope you enjoy the re-writen version of my first book!

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