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Word Count - 1476 ~

I made it to my door then I heard Ichigo calling for me.

"Hey! Girl!" He was running towards me.

"Its (Y/N)" He stopped next to me obviously wanting to talk.

"Sorry you never told me your name."

"Its fine, what is it Ichigo?"

"You know my name?"

"Your father told me, you should've told me it was his clinic."

"Ah sorry, I was just worried about your wounds I didn't really think" I sighed.

"So, what is it you want to talk about? When I told Isshin to send someone over for checkups I didn't mean straight away"

"No I'm not here because of him, I just wanted to check on you. I mean its partly my fault you got hurt. If I got there in time the hollow- it wouldn't have hit you."

"Its fine, honestly. It doesn't hurt as much now anyways, The painkiller you father gave me worked almost instantly. I just need to take my prescriptions and I'll be fine"

"Also, what do you do? Are you a student?"

"Yeah, I transferred to Karakura high I'm starting tomorrow class 1-3"

"You're in my class?"

"Well I guess that makes it easier to keep an eye on each other"

"I'm still curious though-"


"How did you see me yesterday, its near impossible for normal humans to see me in that form"

"I saw the monster too... but I don't know, ever since I got here I've been able to see them. Even at Orihime's, I saw you before I passed out too. I wasn't 100% but the orange hair is a dead giveaway"

"So you can see everything that other humans cant?"

"It seems that way. But we can talk about this for another time I need to get things sorted for my first day at school"

"Alright, I'll see you tomorrow. I'll walk you there so you don't get lost on your way"

"Thank you! I'll see you tomorrow" He waved as he walked away. I headed inside and went saw some letters by the door, I picked one up and it was explaining my transferal to the school. I went to check the uniform I had and I had the summer and winter ones.

"It's really happening then. How did I get to be a part of this" I grabbed my school bag and put all the necessary items in, school and personal. After I was done I knew I had to rest but it was too early yet. Isshin told me to take it easy maybe I should just cook something and watch a movie. I headed to the kitchen and there wasn't much here.

" Should I go to the store? I need to eat." I mumbled to myself. I sighed as I started walking towards the door.


On my way back from the store a hollow showed, it sounded close by. Luckily I was close to Urahara's I walked there trying to avoid the direction that I sensed the hollow was coming from. I made it there as the hollow caught up with me, I ran to the door and shut it as soon as I got inside, with my back against the door I sighed.

"Oh well hello! What can I do for you?"

"Can you get rid of the hollow I cant leave while its after me especially since one wounded me earlier." I walked towards him so I wouldn't be in the way of the entrance.

What? Where am I? (Re-written)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora