
178 7 1

Word Count - 2402 ~

I ran so far I made it to the hill Toshiro always goes to when he watches the sunset. I don't know how long I ran but I could see all the stars in the pitch black sky. I looked up as I leaned against the railing, searching for constellations. 'The sky looks pretty here, whether its sunset or the stars. It still gives the best view.' I began mumbling my thoughts without realising.

"I have to be careful from now on, Aizen probably knows about me now. And Toshiro saw me as a soul reaper. If I bump into any of them they'll take me to the soul society to talk to the head captain. I don't even know how to answer the questions he'd ask. But everyone is in more danger now. I'm an unknown source so Aizen is going to be interested. Especially since I didn't even draw my sword while fighting Grimmjow. Ugh I'm so stupid! I need to find a solution. I cant work alone but I cant work with the soul reapers either." I was interrupted by the voice I wanted to avoid

"Why not? I think you'll be a great asset." My head shot up to see Toshiro. He must have come after me after I ran off.

"I know what you reapers do. You'll just take me to the head captain and question me about things I can't answer and seal me away if you see me as a threat" He let out a frustrated sigh.

"Lets just go to Urahara's and talk this out. I'm sure your reluctant to do so but maybe we can avoid everything if you just talk to me and explain everything."

"I have nothing to explain, I don't even know what happened myself."

"You do have a strong spiritual pressure I'm surprised you can suppress it, I cant even sense it unless you leave your gegai."

"I trained with someone who taught me to suppress it completely, so I can avoid anyone noticing. Especially since there are espada around, and a captain. I mean you almost killed me last time."

"Killed you? I've never met you!"

"Wow I must've been good at keeping myself hidden in the soul society."

"When were you there?"

"I went with Ichigo to save Rukia. I tried to stop him but avoiding that many soul reapers was the most difficult task." He showed a look an confusion and irritation.

"Look I'll go to Urahara's with you. I'll answer what I can there." His shoulders dropped in relief, before he turned around and started walking.

"Let's go" I followed close behind him, an awkward silence between us.

"Uhm,,, Toshiro?"

"Its Captain Hitsugaya to you" He sounded cold.

"Sorry, but. I have to ask-" He looked at me showing he was listening "-What do you plan to do with me after I answer your questions?"

"It depends on how you answer." And he left it at that, not speaking another word. We soon made it to Urahara's even if it was late at night. We walked in and were greeted by Kisuke.

"And what do I owe the pleasure (Y/N)-chan" He waved his fan with a toothy grin plastered on his face.

"I'm gonna raid your kitchen" Toshiro looked at me shocked more than anything as I left to look for some food. I saw some watermelon in the fridge, knowing it was Toshiro's favourite I cut it up and took to them placing it on the table before sitting down.

"Okay Toshiro I'm here now, ask away." He was looking at the watermelon in front of me before he started to speak.

"How did you know about Aizens intentions?"

"I saw it happen" I took another bite from my watermelon and looked at him. I swallowed what was in my mouth and spoke,

"You can have some you know, I only got it because I know it's your favourite." He seemed shocked that I knew that but thanked me nonetheless.

What? Where am I? (Re-written)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن