{1} "Wonderful"

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24 August, 4 pm

Harry's POV

I was in the Black Manor in the living room, doing nothing really. Then I heard a squawk of some bird. An owl to be precise.

I got up from the couch I was laying just a second ago to get the letter the owl was hauling. I took it after stroking its under-beak fevers, as I've always done to Hedwig.

Glancing at the letter, there was a Hogwarts emblem imprinted on to the front. 'Must be an invitation back to Hogwarts for 8th year' I thought whilst I dragged myself back to the couch.

I opened the letter without any grace, tearing the paper inside.

To: Mr Harry Potter
The Black Manor

Dear, Mr Potter

We are pleased to inform you that you are accepted to come back to Hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardry for your 8th year.

You will be advised to bring all the necessary books and equipment with you. For your uniforms will be not needed as we decided the 8th years are not in need of them.

This summer will not last any longer so you will be expected to be at the Kings Cross Station, 9¾ at 11 am on September 1.

Prof. McGonagall

"Wonderful," I said to myself in a sarcastic tone of voice. Don't get me wrong, I'm excited to see Hermione, Ron, Neville and all the others, yet it seems like I'm not at the same time. I'd raver distance myself away from them. I don't want them to see how much I've changed. How more broken I am.

I've conquered Voldemort. What else is there to do? There's nothing left in my prophecy. All that I loved died. And some to a result of my stupid actions... I'm useless!

But at the same time, I don't want to stay here. It's so dull, boring and most of all sad. My godfather lived here for Merlin Sakes! A good one at that! One of the loving figures in my life. And now he's dead. All to a result of me. Because I had to go to the ministry of magic. I had to get everyone in danger. And he died...

I plopped the letter down on to the coffee table counting that'll I'll start packing some books now as I'll be too lazy to do it later.

I then forced myself up heading to the Black Library to find some useful books. They have everything there so there have to be some old school books for next year. And my other books? Ha, Godric doesn't even know where they are! Probably with the Dursleys, and if so there long gone and burned.


The first chapter is out! Hope you like it. Comment, share and vote!

Question (I'm going to write one at the end of every chapter): Your favourite colour? Mine's black but people say that's not a colour so a dirty shade of cian.

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