{4}"Didn't think you'd take my word"

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I looked over to see luna staring into the black lake, almost looking at it too deeply. She then looked over to me, eyes ample of wonder and innocence."You could go and sit on the shore at times to calm your nerves." She said like it was normal to know such secrets. Acting all normal... Well, it was Luna after all.


A week later at Hogwarts:

3rd person

Harry was sitting at the black lake. Admiring the dark waters. Spectating every glimpse of the stars. With it just past the witching hour, they were loud and clear to detect with an astonishing view on the moon. Even better there were no clouds that gloaming.

He sat on a boulder, which was half in the water half not, wearing blue trousers and a plain Gryffindor-red jumper.

He was alone in the weirdly cosy night time, admiring every second, till he heard a voice call out to him.

"Didn't think you'd take my word, Harry." A voice barely audible said. Yet still, the calmness of it and the certainty nobody has such a high pitched tone in voice told Harry it was Luna.

She just came out of the forbidden forest, which was right next to the lake, with a Niffler on her shoulder. It seemed to be fighting with something on her ear, most presumably an earing, trying to get it off.

"Oh, hi Luna. And yes, I did, it does take me of my nerves"

"That's great but you shouldn't come here at night. Moreover, lose your friends because of it."

"Well, I don't want to see my friends pitting me if they figure it out..." Harry said knowing well that Luna understood what he meant.

"Well if you don't talk to anybody and have no friends you'll probably go mental!" She said shaking her head like she was agreeing with herself, "You should get an animal friend! You can talk to them and they won't judge you. If you're lucky enough they will come fond to you and be like a best friend, they'll never leave you that means." She concluded.

"I'll have to feed the Occamy's, now. It was nice to see you, Harry!" She said.

"But why at night? And don't they live in Ind-" But before he could finish Luna was already skipping cheerfully into the forest with the Niffler successfully taking of her earing. Pleased with their work, it admired the peace of jewellery for a moment before making a swift movement to place it into a pocket it had for a stomach.


The fourth chapter is out! Hope you like it. Comment, share and vote!

Question: Your favourite song/band? Mine is either 'play nice' or 'YMCA!'.

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