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          "So you're the illustrious "rat in red"." The silver haired boy says as they sit across from each other their feet wedged against each other in the hallway outside of Paris' room. Out of all the things that she could've been doing that night, she didn't expect to be waiting anxiously for Daniel to emerge from his comatose state. She wasn't supposed to be here playing matchmaker for her best friend and his little crush. Things would be so much easier if they were just direct about their feelings.

Daniel, however, wasn't lying when he said his little boy crush used big words.

          "So you're the boy he's in love with." She replies, everything's surreal right now. They'd met once briefly, in a haze of memory. There's so many things right in front of her that she can't believe, her asthmatic best friend just did a line knowing that it could jeopardize his life, Paris the man in midlife crisis wears firetruck pajamas, and she walked in on one of her oldest friends getting it on with her girlfriend.

          "Great, I'm glad you two know each other, now what the fuck are we going to do about our little friend?" The impatient brunet whispers, obviously he's not as pacified as the other two considering everything he'd watched in the past two hours.

          Allow her to explain. Tahji's plan of helping her best friend cope with relationship woes was neopolitan ice cream and cheesy romance movies. She didn't intend to crash a frat party and she certainly didn't intend to make out with someone in exchange for naxolone hydroxide. Being as clear as she can, she was just out sick for an entire week and didn't even want to leave her room that night.

Tahji wasn't entirely sure about what to do when her best friend showed up at her doorstep basically in tears. Even Mariko didn't know what to do with him. It was entirely Daniel's idea to go to that stupid frat party with those stupid frat boys and their misconception that Tahjiko was a semi-loyal person, but in that stupid moment she had to choose between a relationship and her best friend's life.

He wanted a kiss for the narcan and she wanted to kill him, but it would just be faster to get it over with. She didn't even notice Tooru who came into the party some time after her because one of his sunbaes let him know that his girlfriend was out and about and wasn't answering her phone. The boy, the brute, got handsy. He wanted what he couldn't have, so Tahji went for Plan B which could technically be called assault, but grabbing her ass could technically be called sexual assault. It's not like it was going to be seriously bad for him because they were underwater when Tahji dislocated his knee and then shattered his patella.

          Okay, maybe it would be bad, but she'd never really hurt anyone underwater before. It was kind of cool, she felt like one of those really hot girls out of a James Bond movie.

Tahji didn't even see her boyfriend, who looked absolutely crushed by the weight of her supposed betrayal of his heart, until she climbed her way out of the pool. She can remember the shock on his face as she emerged, choking on chlorine with her hand clasped around the small device. She lingered for a second before rushing back into the house.

          He just looked like a frat boy with a little too much to drink, but Sugawara by his side with that fear on his face, was the ultimate panic signal.

Sugawara was kind of a wreck as Tahji directed him to Mary's home while performing CPR on someone who could very well be dying. Karasuno High's angel narrowly ran a red light and almost hit a shrub, pedestrian, and street sign. Tooru was just kind of there, it was hard for him to process the last thirty minutes of his life. Mary's house was the last safe place, taking him to a hospital would cause them to hand over ID and ultimately call the Aoki parents which wasn't an option.

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