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          After moving out of Tokyo and into the quieter more peaceful suburbs, Okonome Tahjiko wasn't sure about what to expect

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          After moving out of Tokyo and into the quieter more peaceful suburbs, Okonome Tahjiko wasn't sure about what to expect. She was used to the lights, camera, action drama of the big city where the constant flow of people and information proceeded everything. Everyone was out for something and just walking down the street you could see a thousand different people with a thousand different lives packed into one physical being.

          Tahjiko could see her imminent boredom dawning in front of her, it presented itself in the form of doodles above her typewriter-esque notes. She was good at things that could be practiced, like handwriting and dancing, but was actually a subpar student. For having such an immense EQ her IQ definitely took a hit. Miyagi was just so dry, it was like the students here didn't know how to have a little fun.

          "Okonome Tahjiko, welcome to Aoba Johsai." Oikawa Tooru grins from across the row like he's the kid sun from that one children's television show that Tahji caught her sister watching from time to time. Whoever made the fucking alphabet should be sued. That and her homeroom teacher that decided their class needed a more structured seating arrangement. She nods along, attempting to figure out where she went wrong on the math homework that's due in exactly seventy-four minutes.

She looks up, fixing him with a hesitant nod as she returns to her homework, what the hell are derivatives? She may be a Third Year but there's a good chance that her younger sister could surpass her in her own classes.

          "Oikawa-senpai, I prepared a bento for you today, and I was wondering if you would like to eat it with me." Tahji rolls her eyes, keeping her gaze strictly on her own paper to avoid calling attention to herself. Of course the boy that had girls falling around him everywhere would decide to set his sights on her. Something he couldn't afford. It's a pity, he's actually quite the looker.

Tahji doesn't pay attention to his response until she hears the sound of someone getting hit.

The boy sitting beside Tooru in his row has suddenly hit him with a workbook. "Stop leading those girls on."

          "Iwa-chan, she brought an extra bento, what am I supposed to do, let it go to waste?"

           "You know exactly what you're doing, fat ass." Tahji nods to herself, so there's someone else who recognized the depth beneath Oikawa Tooru's two dimensional persona. Really, you've got to be a fool if you're going to choose not to acknowledge the fact that no one was that attention hungry.

Oikawa leaves the classroom for lunch and returns halfway through, someone else's chapstick clinging to his lips. It's a near invisible shade that shades his own rose red lips with volume. He's smug about it in his sauntering footsteps as Tahji continues to slave over math homework that she doesn't understand over her oatmeal cookie.

          "You forgot to add the negative over there and that's why your answer doesn't match the book. When two negative numbers are added the signs kiss and become a plus sign." Tooru says, hanging over the aisle and encroaching her personal space, but Tahji doesn't jump away as much as shove away her annoyance.

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