Chapter 7 - Getting To Know Class 1-A

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Heard this on the radio and I just thought: Yes this is something they would do.
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3rd Person POV

All three of the so called villains were sitting in the back of the class looking rather salty, and they were. Aizawa said that they wouldn't be allowed to spar or train with anyone until they gained his trust!

Yes they were alot more powerful than all of class 1-A. But that was only because their training was harder. And because they had deku on their team, he was super overpowered. ANYWAY Im getting off track.

They were all very salty about not being allowed to train. So all three were brainstorming on how to get back at everyone in this stupid school. "we could steal that weird sleeping bag thing that aizawa seems to have an odd relationship with" Dabi suggested leaning back in his chair "I think that if we do that, we won't live long enough to break out of this hell hole" deku stated glancing at him. "fine. Whatever. Toga? You got any ideas?" Dabi asked looking over at her. "I think we should have katsudon for lunch"
"What?! No about revenge?"
"what do you mean revenge? On the food?" toga said confused. "WHAT THE FUCK?! NO NOT REVENGE ON THE FOOD"
"toga did you not have breakfast this morning?" toga looked at him, eyes wide. "Woah! How did you know?"
"you've been staring at nothing all lesson, and talking only about lunch and food" deku said blandly.

"the revenge that Dabi is talking about is the revenge on these teachers and the students for being sent to the shitty school full of shitty heroes." deku said in an agitated way "I mean if I'd been able to think of a better option I would have been like NO FUCKING WA-" suddenly deku froze in the middle of his sentence. Staring at the front of the class. A smirk slowly crept onto his face.

Dabi and toga glanced at each other, the last time deku had made that face all three of them had ended up being yelled at for dropping milkshakes off buildings onto people's heads. Deku started sipping on the strawberry milkshake he just made. "ha ha ha ha, I have the most peeeerfect idea~" he said. "Deku what is this 'perfect' idea"
"later, later I'll tell you at lunch."

Time skip to lunch, created by the fact that this chapter is gonna be another short one. ( at least I thought so)

All three of the idiot squad were sitting on a bench in the nice fresh air. Deku had given each of them their favourite milkshakes.

Dekus was a chocolate fudge brownie milkshake with whipped cream, chocolate sauce and chunks of brownie on top.

Toga had a strawberry, rasberry and banana milkshake, with whipped cream and red heart sprinkles on top

Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.

Toga had a strawberry, rasberry and banana milkshake, with whipped cream and red heart sprinkles on top.

And dabi, well dabis was a super secret recipe that only deku knew

Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.

And dabi, well dabis was a super secret recipe that only deku knew. He never let anyone try his drink, or even see it for that matter. He drank it out of a back bottle, with a straw poking through the back lid. Like a boba cup, but black. Luckily I am god so I know what flavour of milkshake he was drinking.
It was exactly the same as togas. But with more sprinkles. And strawberry sauce.

They were all sitting there, with Dabi in the middle. Dekus head resting in Dabis lap and toga next to him, sipping on her milkshake.

"so zuzu~ whats your plan for revenge?" toga asked tilting her head to look down at him. "hmmm? Oh right well, you know how ua has a giant alarm system that runs through the entire school?" Dabi and toga both looked down at him, worry painted clearly upon their faces. "yeah... We know"
"and you know how it's supposed to be unhackable"
". . . Yeah..."
"and are you aware that I'm the best hacker in Japan?"
"no actually, that's cool. And also worrying" Dabi said surprised. "hmm well don't worry about, I'll be done in no time at all~"
"GaSp~ zuzu, your gonna use you 'super secret, uitra rare, overpowered quirk for a PRanK?!" Dabi said mockingly. "yes, I think it's a worthy cause for me to use my' super secret, ultra rare, operpowered quirk" deku said seriously.

Yet another time skip, brought to you by dun dun duuuuuun: me being lazy

All three of the idiot squad™ were sitting in the back of the class yet again this time with smug looks on their faces. Operation: Rehab revenge, had been a raging success. No one had even noticed what they had done. Yet.

Aizawa was staring at them suspiciously. What had they done to get those smug smiles. He had heard them talking about revenge before lunch and he was worried. They were villains what would revenge entail? Did they kill someone? Or hurt someone? There was no way of knowing. He had been starting to trust them to not attack his students because so far they had just been acting like normal teens, but his trust was starting to wash away.

Suddenly the alarm system crackled into life. Oh god. Had they let a bunch of villains in? Was that the so called revenge? He was about to ask them what they had done in a very loud and sweary sort of way, until...

"they tried to make me go to rehab
But I said 'no no no'
Yes Ive been black
But when I come back, you'll know know know
I ain't got the time
And If my daddy thinks I'm fine
He's tried to make me go to rehab
but I won't go go go"

All three of the problem children were staring him in the face smiling smugly. How they had managed to hack the system he had no clue but what he did know was that he felt bad for assuming they would kill someone or let a bunch of villains in. Of course the revenge had been a prank, they were still teens.

"Don't leave the room I'm going to see if I can help nezu turn it off." aizawa quickly shouted at the class, whilst throwing the door open.

There was silence for about ten seconds and then the nearly the whole class started laughing. One person was cartainly not laughing, he stood up so that the villains could hear him properly." that is very irresponsible! What if villains attack and we have no way of knowing?" Iida said waving his hands around in his roboty way. Deku glanced up at him, cleared his throat, stood up and said "I don't give a fuck, I do what I want boo" Dabi snorted while toga burst into a fit of giggles. Deku just stayed standing up smiling at Iida.

(In all honesty I would never be able to be friends with Iida. Because I am always breaking rules and doing really stupid stuff for fun. Not to be mean but... Its true)

"Please refrain from using such language. We are in school, and I expect you to respect that" Iida said looking down at deku, who was only a little shorter than him. "and why do you expect me to respect this shit fest?" Iida stared at him for a second, before giving in and sitting down.

"hmm yeah I thought so bitch" deku said while Dabi and toga just cackled in the background.

A small soft smile appeared on his face, maybe this place wasn't so horrible. When he was swearing at the stupid students.

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Wow I thought this was gonna be shorter than the first one I wrote, but it turns out not :D

Word count: 1237

UA Villain Rehab- Can People change? - DISCONTINUEDTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang