The old and the new

Start from the beginning

On the bright side, he's already caught two people lying about their age, in order to buy cigarettes and alcohol. So, his powers do come in handy from time to time.

He feels two people approaching the establishment. Mentally readying himself for the job, he smiles at them. Hoping to come off as welcoming and friendly.

However, the moment the first boy turns to look at him, he can feel the teen's body freeze in place. His heartbeat speeding up. For a moment, he thinks that he did something wrong. Or maybe, his blindness shocked the boy. Yet, all his speculations are washed down the drain the moment the stranger speaks.

"Deku?" The boy breathes out, surprise, and awe evident in his tone. Izuku contemplates asking the boy to repeat himself. Because, surely he heard it wrong. Or, maybe, this person was just another rude customer.

"Excuse me?" Crushing down the unidentifiable feelings rising in his chest. This can't be who he thinks it is, right?

Yet, on a closer inspection of the boy, he picks up the different temperatures of the teen's body. To be more precise, he feels the heat emanating from his hands. Going from his wrists, all the way to the tips of his fingers.

"Hey man, don't be rude, why are you-"The boy in question shuts him up with a raised hand. Instead electing to take a step towards the counter.

"Deku, is that really you?"

Old memories flash in his mind. Actual images of a time where the sky was a beautiful baby blue. Flickering pictures of an age where he could actually and truly see. In every sense of the word.

Memories of a blonde boy with an explosion quirk.

Taking in a deep breath, he calmly makes his way around the counter. Stopping just a few steps away from the boy.

"That name..." He starts slowly, noticing the way the boy in front of him seems to hold his breath. "Only one person calls me that." He chuckles drily. No real humor behind his laugh. "Right, Kacchan?"

The blonde's breath hitches at his words. His feet stagger a few steps backward. Right into the teen behind him.

A heavy silence settles on them. Both of them take the time to reign in their emotions. Izuku thought he'd never see the explosive blonde ever again.

"Uhm..." The boy behind Bakugou speaks up, breaking the quiet. "Do you guys... know each other?" He asks hesitantly, probably sensing the tension that lays thick in the room. Filling the very air with something akin to static.

"Yes..." Bakugou is the one to answer. "Yes, we do."


After they got over the momentary shock, Izuku immediately went to the back-room. Leaving the two teens confused by his quick departure.

He could still feel the uncomfortable tension when he came back. This time, with Mr Yoshida's approval for a break.

"Uh... Do you guys want to take a walk?" His question was answered with a stiff nod from the explosive blonde and an enthusiastic 'Sure!' from the boy next to him.

He makes sure to take his backpack with him as they leave.

They walked for a few minutes. Only stopping when they reach a nearby park. Izuku, wanting to get rid of the excess tension he's feeling, elect to climb on top of a monkey bar. Seating himself on the metal bar and dangling his feet from above.

It's only when he feels the surprised gazes of the two boys trained on him that he remembers that he should've probably acted like he couldn't see it.

Before my heart gives out (My hero academia)Where stories live. Discover now