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(podfic/audiobook) linked bellow!


Today at relatively 6 pm, the well-known vigilante, Shadow, took down one of the largest drug cartels in Japan, Musutafu. The vigilante, who has been escaping police and hero custody for two years now, evaded once again capturing. However, we need to ask ourselves; with everything that he's done for Japan. Can we really consider Shadow a villain? Tell us your opinion-

Aizawa turned his television off with a huff, it's been two years since the first appearance of Shadow. A mysterious vigilante that always manages to escape both the police and the heroes' grasp.

It's been almost two years since Aizawa, better known as the underground hero, Eraser head joined the pursuit of the vigilante. Shadow is one of the very few people that ever managed to escape him.

Shadow always gets the job done, never lingers long enough to get captured and most importantly never leaves any trace behind. Except for the usual note, that was either really useful in their cases or just another joke. Aizawa was getting more and more frustrated by the day.

This vigilante isn't like the others, he's gained a lot of support from the public. He made a name for himself by patrolling the slums and the neglected parts of the city. Places where heroes don't usually go. Also, by taking down the villains that the heroes don't realize exist until they're caught. As time went by, people started calling out for him. They started calling for the Shadow. The hooded figure that somehow always manages to hear their call for help. He was a hero to most people but a damn frustrating one in Shouta's opinion.

He was cut off from his line of thought when his phone vibrated in his pocket. There, in bold letters on his screen was the name of the detective in charge of the vigilante's case. Speak of the devil, I guess. He thought bitterly as he answered the call.

"Tsukauchi, is there a reason you are calling me at this hour?" His usual monotone voice didn't betray the slight curiosity he felt.

"Eraser head, Shadow was just spotted stopping a store robbery on Twenty-fourth street. If we go now, we can ambush him."

"I'll be there." He replied, his tone serious and calm.

This was their chance. Maybe they can finally find out who he was.

He'd make sure that this time...this time would be different. This time, he was going to catch the slippery bastard.

Aizawa picked up his capture gear and with that, he was on his way. He had a vigilante to catch after all.


Izuku believes that today was a good day. An exhausting day, but a good day nonetheless. Today he had finally put an end to one of the drug cartels that used to rule the streets of Musutafu. It's been three months since he initially started their pursuit and he finally managed to put an end to their crimes.

However, his day didn't end there because not half an hour ago, he was caught up in an armed robbery down the twenty-fourth street. Some idiots thought it would be easy to just steal from the old lady working there. Man were they wrong... Izuku can still hear their high pitch screams as they tried to run away from the granny with the knife quirk. Yet, he couldn't help the bad feeling he was getting.

Years of experience made his instincts as sharp as ever. He learned to trust them and they have never failed him, once. He just hoped that whatever was about to happen, he would get through it unscathed.

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