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"I have to tell you something," Lucien said without turning around. How did he know I was here? I purposely walked downstairs without making a sound. 

"I'm pretty sure the neighbors could hear you falling out of bed. You should probably sit down."

"Well good morning to you, too, home-invader and thought-to-be-dead best friend," I grumbled, hoping he could hear the sarcasm. 

"I'm touched that I'm still your best friend," he said walking over to the table with a giant plate of waffles. 

"Well, I haven't found anyone with more entertaining skills so you're stuck with me."

He muttered something under his breath about how I should be nicer for him considering he made me waffles, but to be completely honest, I was only half-listening, because, while he was probably making some snide remark, he sat the mountain of waffles in fount of me. Really, who can concentrate when they have food in front of them? 

"Your staring is creeping me out," I said before shoving half a waffle in my face. 

"You know, you are literally the only one who has tasted my waffles," was his only response.

"Well don't I feel special. But seriously, why are you staring at me?"

"I have to tell you something but I'm waiting until you are not at any risk of choking to death." This makes me stop. It's nice that after all this time apart, he still cares if I die, and the news must be serious because a line formed between his eyebrows, a telltale sign that he was distressed since we were toddlers. 

Slowly, finish chewing my mouthful of waffles, then stare him in those marbled blue eyes and demand he continues with one word, "Spill."

"Okay. Don't freak out until I'm finished. Promise?"

 "Fine, I promise. Just get on with it, my waffles are getting cold."

Avoiding eye contact, he drew in a nervous breath. Either he has gotten soft in his old age or this is bad. "The free, mortal world is in danger." At this, I burst out laughing. He can't be serious. But he was. He didn't join in on my laughter, he looked at me like I was crazy. 

"You've got to be joking!" Half yelling at him.

"You promised not to freak out, there's more."

"What! There's more? How do you even know this?"

"I'm a prince. It's my duty to know these types of things."

I stared blankly at him for what seemed like days, then finally whispered, "A prince, shut up!" Yes, I've seen the Princess Diaries too many times.

"I am the reigning prince of the Underworld. I am Lucifer's son."


"Also known as the Devil."

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