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Hi everyone! Thank you so much for clicking on my story! This is a school project, so comments and feedback are much appreciated. Hope you enjoy!


"You are my sunshine, my only sunshine. You make me happy when skies are gray."

 I stare at the kids in my class, singing happily to the song Ms. Honey taught us earlier. I hate this song. My daddy used to sing it to me before bed, and before he died. Mommy told me, "He went to live in heaven with Grandma Jo and your guppie Buggsy."

 My best friend Luca noticed my tear-filled eyes and thought of only one thing to do, he always hated seeing me upset. He stood up in the cluster of singing kindergarteners and scream-sang, "IT'S RAINING MEN! HALLELUJAH, IT'S RAINING MEN!" Everyone stared at him like he had grown four heads, but he kept singing. He liked it when he could make me laugh, and right then I could hardly breathe from my hysteria. He ended the song, and before Ms. Honey could say a word, a huge thump boomed above our heads. We then saw through the window a man roll down the sharply angled roof of the school and fall to the grass. Chaos set in as the class got an eye full of the bloodied man laying on the lawn.

 Ms. Honey stared wide-eyed at Luca, "Are you Satan's son?" she muttered in awe. Luca stared right back at her with a blank face. Later, the principal came in with our parents, who whisked us to the comforts of our homes. 

The police never did figure out what happened that day. No one was supposed to be on that roof. There was no way of getting up on that section of the roof, due to the ridiculous angle. Everyone chalked it up to be a freak accident and promptly forgot about it. But I didn't, because that was the last day I saw my best friend. 

That was the day that Luca disappeared without anyone noticing. 

Everyone except for me.

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