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Yaku and Akaashi were cleaning the dishes.
"So Yaku-san how long are you gonna stay?"
"Two days then we will go back home"
"Okay. So what about your lil crush on Lev?"
"Pssstt no one needs to know, but it only got bigger so it's not a small crush anymore"
"You gonna confess?"
"No! What if he rejects me?"
"He won't"
"He will"
"Nope. I have the feeling like he likes you too"
"Definitely not"
"Yaku-san. I'm not joking I mean it"
"You sure he will like me back?"
"Well if you say so. You gotta confess to your crush too"
"I want him to ask me out"
"Okay but why? Like? Just whyy??"
"Maybe he doesn't have feelings for me and I imagined all of it. That would be so embarrassing"
"I'm pretty sure he likes you too. So go for it. I don't think anyone could reject you. Like your the adjective perfect. Like as person"
"Yaku-san…Don't embarrass me… But thanks"
"No problem my child"
"Omg stopp"
They just finished cleaning the dishes when there was a loud crash. They made eye contact and Akaashi went to the place where the crash came from.
Akaashi was not prepared.
Kuroo and Bokuto standing in the garden and looking at the window they just broke.
"Bokuto Kōtarō…"
Bokuto visibly flinched at the use of his full name, we are also talking about Akaashi being kinda pissed.
"What happend to our bedroom window?"
"Uhh. I can ex-explain"
"Then start"
"We can't explain it Bo. Stop it. Akaashi will get angrier if you lie"
"Fckk your right bro"
"I hope you know that I'm still here?"
"Okay so what did you do?"
"We ehh. Kuroo you explain"
"Okay so listen Akaashi I wanted to show him this really cool chemical reaction I found out. But this" he pointed at Bokuto. "Dumbass thought that he needed to put something inside even tho I told him not to. So the bottle kinda flew away?"
"So Kō you put in what he told you not to put in?"
"Omg-I-You dumbass. Please listen to Kuroo-san if it's chemistry. He knows much more about it then you"
"Okay. I will leave you two alone again…" Akaashi left and went back inside to Yaku.
"What happened?"
"They broke our bedroom window. More like Bokuto did since he didn't listen to Kuroo-san"
"Oh wow"
"I need to tell his mother so I will be right back." Akaashi started putting on his shoes
"You going to walk there?"
"Yes she is always doing something around this time so there's no way she will hear me calling. I will be back in 15 minutes."
"kay I will take care of them."
"Please don't hurt them to much Yaku-san"
Akaashi left and started walking to the house. He was stopped by a girl sitting on the street crying. The girl was around 5 or 6 years.
"Hey are you okay?"
"I-I locked myself out and my parents aren't home till tomorrow"
"So what's your name?"
"Okay Aika. I'm Akaashi. You can come with me"
"Ho-how do I know you won't kidnap me?"
"Do you know the Bokuto family?"
"Yes my pa-parents are friends with them"
"I'm living with them okay? Do you want me to bring you to Bokuto-san?"
"Can I stay with you?"
"Sure thing. Let's go"
He helped her up and took her hand. Together they went to Bokuto's mother.
Akaashi opened the door with the key.
"Koto-san!" (I changed Bokutos mothers name to Koto)
"Hello Keiji-kun what brings you here? Oh Aika-chan?"
"Well Kōtarō broke our bedroom window."
"He broke your bedroom window?! How??"
He told her what happend
"Okay I will take care of it. Aika-chan you wanna stay with me or Keiji-kun?"
"Ca-can I stay with Keiji-nii and Kōtarō-nii?"
"Of course"
"Aww no problem"
"Let's go Aika-chan"
Akaashi took Aika's hand again and they walked down to his house again. Finally back Akaashi opened the door again and walked in.
"I'm ba-"
"You two! Swear to god! What did you think that you?!"
"Oh you're back. Sorry they wanted to do something stupid again"
"Oh. I brought someone with me"
"Who?" Bokuto asked.
"Aika-chan! How you doing???"
"So what brings you to us?"
"I-I accidently locked myself out… and mom and dad won't be home till tomorrow…"
"They left you alone again?"
"Come over next time okay? It isn't safe when you're alone"
"Okay. Thanks Kōtarō-nii"
'Aww no problem Aika-chan"
Kuroo walked in the room and Aika immediately hid herself behind Akaashi.
"Keiji-nii who is he?" She whispered
"That's Kuroo-san. Kōtarō's best friend. He's nice even tho he looks kinda scary"
"You sure?"
"Yes I am. He's my friend too."
"Doesn't Kōtarō-nii's best friend live far away?"
"Yes but he and Yaku-san, Yaku-san is our friend too, are here with their class. Their hotel caught fire and now there wasn't enough room for them. So they will stay with us"
"You like volleyball?"
"Yes! I have watched many games or Kōtarō-nii! And you of course!"
"What position do you like the most?"
"Middle blocker! It's so cool when they score with blocking the ball of the opposite team!"
"Would you like to play some volleyball?"
"Yes! Can we??"
"Sure and Kuroo-san can show you his blocking he is a really good middle blocker"
"Thanks Akaashi. I feel special"
"Kuroo-san. Don't get to full of yourself"
"Sorry. Come on let's go I will show you some really cool blocks and I will shut Bokuto's spikes!"
"Let's go!"
They spend the day with playing volleyball, Kuroo showed Aika some really cool blocks. In the end she fell asleep on the grass. (she fell asleep after playing and watching volleyball) Akaashi brought her inside and laid her in one of their many guestrooms. Kuroo and Yaku went to sleep shortly after that.
Bokuto and Akaashi took turns in the shower again and then fell asleep cuddled up again.

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