Animal Park

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                                           Pov Akaashi Keiji
"Keiji" Who the fuck is waking me up I'm sassy when someone wakes me up so who would wake me up? Right Bokuto would do.

"What?! Lemme sleep!" It's warm here I'm not gonna move.
"But I have to pee"
"Just go??" What the?
"I can't..."
"What do you mean with you can't?? Are you to stupid to get up?" Oh did I already mention that I'm salty like Tsukishima when I wake up? Now you know that I am.
"Your kinda of uhh... laying uhh.. on me...?" Wait no way. But that would explain why it's so warm and comfortable... Oh shit I am laying on him.
"Uhh.... I'm sorry!"

Akaashi gets up his face is beat red.

"I will uhh... just make breakfast...." Shit that's so embarrassing... It was comfortable tho. Now I understand why Kenma likes to cuddle Kuroo when he can't sleep. Hearing a heartbeat really is relaxing. Nope don't think about it now. So what am I going to make...

"Can we have pancakes? Please..." holy shit. Yeez he needs to stop scaring me.
"Yea. We can"
"Yay! Can I help you?" He wants to help me? I would really like help but he almost burned down his kitchen when he made food.
"No, you will burn down the kitchen!"
"Awww.... I will hmmmm.... Oh I will go and pick something for you to wear."
"Why aren't we like staying here today?"
"Huh? Staying at home? Nope we will go and meet up with someone you know." Someone I know? I know many people.

"Nice. I will go now"
What the?? Someone I know... Wow I know so many people.

Finally the pancakes are finished.
"Ko! Food is ready!" I feel like a mother
"Yosha!" He can't come down stairs quite can he?

                                       After breakfast (also no pov)
"So uhh were are we going?" The clothes he picked was another matching outfit he chose. It was a red hoodie and a black, slightly ripped jeans. I think he bought my hoodie in his size it was really big on me.
"You will see let's go" Bokuto grabbed Akaashis hand and made his way outside with Akaashi tagging behind. They walked to a bus stop and drove for an hour. When they got of the bus they went to the next train station and waited for the next train. Finally they go off of the train. Bokuto had a rucksack Akaashi wondered the whole time what was inside there.
Finally after a 30 minute walk they arrived at the animal park.

"Woah!" Akaashi was amazed by all those forest animals walking around freely letting them selves get pet.
"Heh. I thought you would like it"
"How did you k know??"
"I uhh I talked with some of your classmates they told me that you were really amazed by the animal in the forest so I thought I would bring you here"
"Aww thanks"
"On the website I saw the name Akaashi and went here. So yea"
"Come on let's go someone's waiting for you" Akaashi took Bokutos hand again because he felt save with him and he hated crowds.
"Ah Bokuto-kun! Over here!" Akaashi recognized the voice and started running towards the person.
"Hey there lill bro. I heard what happened to you I'm sorry I didn't look after you. You moved after I moved out and then I couldn't find you..." the person look like she was ready to just burst into tears.
"Hey it's fine Kiko! I'm fine now and I got to see you again"
"So who's that nice man?" She whispered so only Akaashi could hear.
"Nee-san!" Akaashi was getting red.
"Ups sorry" she wasn't sorry she was giggling.
"So let's go around shall we? You know we got a new wolfe baby and he's really cute and since you are really good with cameras I thought maybe you could take some pictures ya know?"
"Yea but I don't have my camera with me sooo."
"Oh I do!" Bokuto got Akaashis camera out of his back.
In the end they got really nice pictures of the animals Akaashi also took some of Bokuto. He was really happy to see his sister again.

          These are the pictures that were made
(just imagine them with the clothes I described)
They became really good friends with the owls.

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