Chapter 2 - Indifference is only a mask to tell the world "Fuck off"

Start from the beginning

"And here I thought for once, you will actually sleep." the deep voice of the old man sounded casual and yet resigned.

"I broke up with her." she responded without missing a beat, "What else I can do for you, Sir?"

"Meet me. Around 8. KFC"

She quirked an eyebrow at the venue.

"A public place, Riya. No need to fret."


Raghu sir was right at time, but she was already at the far end table at KFC. He took a deep breath, feeling his heartbeat rising a little bit, and then headed toward her. She dropped half spoon sugar into and stirred as he sat across her on the cozy sofa.

"That's the secret of your strength." he said in lieu of saying 'Hi' or "Good Morning', "No wonder Rawte didn't stand a chance against you."

"Don't both to hide your relief that its Coffee and not Drugs." she replied easily and took a sip, giving him a look which asked to spit it without beating around the bush.

"I think you fractured his neck."

"Why am I here?" she placed the coffee mug on table, "Surely not to celebrate your daughter's return."

He sighed, giving up for casual. "I have a deal."

She quirked her eyebrow, her eyes lighting with amusement. He didn't know if that's a good thing or bad, it's always so difficult to read her and he gave up on it years ago.

"Come back."

She was silent for a while, then she leaned on the table, her eyes labeling with his, "Why?"

"Because alone, you are up to no good."

"Not good enough." she leaned back again, waiting for him to explain more. He readied himself.

"Join department and I will reopen the case."

That seemed to get her attention. The lightness gone and her whole posture was stiff, "So all these years, the reopening was depending on my return?"

"It's not that." he tried to keep his voice even, "we have something. Enough to reopen it."

"Is this the deal? You will reopen only if I am back?" she asked in her mock voice, "I knew it was bad idea to make you Commissioner. Too much time spent with political people, sir?"

"Before jumping onto confidence, hear me out." his patience was wearing thin. She has this habit to get on your nerves, "and thanks for the vote of confidence on my promotion, Riya."

She looked away, clearly not interested to hear whatever he wants to say. But at least she is sitting, which should be a good thing. Raghu sir stopped thinking, and taking a deep breath, he started again.

"I want you to join back. Even let you work on the case. I know earlier you were not allowed to work as it was too personal, but I am willing to overlook it, until you remain professional. You will be updated on every step. Nothing will be hidden anymore."

He waited for her to ponder over his words, but her reply was surprisingly fast, "whatever you found, to reopen case, it will be the last thing you ever found out."

He raised an eyebrow, "that much confidence on your ex-department?"

"What do you think I did in these 3 years?" her words came out fast, barely a whisper, coated with frustration and anger, her eyes flashing dangerously, "You don't think I tried? I made contacts in the darkest places, gathered lowlifes who owed favors to me, so that I can use that later. Tried to know anything, something, by making a noise or simply keeping quiet. None worked. I have hit a wall." she leaned back on the sofa with a sudden movement, her eyes roaming everywhere in the restaurant, "The most important case in my life, and I have hit a wall."

"You were alone. You didn't have much resources." his voice was kind.

"Don't tell me I was not enough, that I didn't try enough." she looked positively frightening at the moment. If it was someone else, he would have run for hills by now, but Raghu sir had the patience of a Saint, and also, he knew her since she was 9. She can't scare him.

"You didn't have resources. Whatever you did, it was incomplete because alone, you could not have done everything." he kept both of elbows on table and leaned, trying with his best persuasive voice, "If there were people with you, whom you could trust, you would have much more information. Now don't make me give a lecture on team work and its importance."

Her expression somewhat soften, but the steeliness in her eyes was still there, "I can't trust anyone."

"You will, with time."

"Always the optimist." she allowed herself a small smirk, and he smirked back.

They were silent for 5 minutes when she asked, "Which department?"

Raghu sir had the urge to confirm if what he was hearing right, but suppressed it, "How does ETF sound?"

"Director hates me." she replied nonchalantly.

"You both worked well yesterday."

"Something about an old man and his kidnapped daughter." she replied with the barest hint of humor.

"Ri." he had won the first round, and was not up for another argument. She eyed him for seconds, obviously taking note of the nickname. Then she sighed, giving up, her lips pursued with annoyance but eyes giving away.

"It must be a crappy day, listening to every order of the Commissioner."

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