"Lilith, are we really going to support that idea?" He asked, sounding disappointed. His wife glared at him.

"She's our daughter, Lucifer, and we need to support her. And how do you know that it isn't going to work out?" She challenged. Lucifer scowled, he pointed out a window, some buildings and the blood red sky of Hell visible.

"Ask the sinners down there, Lilith! Do they want to change? Of course not! They enjoy their messed up lives down here, too much to care about changing their ways, I don't think Charlie even sees that. Which is quite disappointing considering how long she's spent down here." He muttered, his wife looked conflicted.

It was true. They never expected Charlie to be so.. pure, pure as an angel from Heaven. And so innocent that she tries to look past all the bad down here, it was shocking, and hard to believe. But she was still their daughter, and parents are supposed to be supportive, no matter what.

"I understand, dear." Lilith said honestly, "But this is also a step for her as an heir, if she's going to take our places in the future she might as well prove herself." She added, placing a hand on his shoulder, Lucifer stared at it, then to his wife's eyes. So many thoughts flooded his mind.

The other demons in the room were forgotten for this whole moment, they didn't support the idea either, Charlie was the heir of the throne but rehabilitation seemed to be impossible, if it wasn't already. They all glanced at each other, having the same thoughts.

The next extermination was in less than a week, how will Charlie's idea change everything? And more importantly, will Hell even go with it?

"You're more.. energized than usual." Lake commented, looking you over, you rolled your eyes at him and continued to serve the demons at the restaurant. The dog demon rolled his eyes at you, it was true though, you slept so well last night without a single nightmare that you woke up feeling great.

"Oh ha ha." You said sarcastically, you flicked your tail at Lake.

"I'm serious though. What happened?" Lake pointed out, raising an eyebrow suspiciously at you. You let out a sigh. The dog demon leaned on a table, "You gonna talk about it?"

"Honestly, I'm not really sure how I was even able to fall asleep." You admitted, staring at the customers, Lake blinked a few times. "I just spent the day with.." You trailed off, an image of Alastor came to your mind. You saw his Cheshire sadistic grin, his bright red eyes, red outfit, fluffy looking hair, charming personality. "..someone unexpected."

Lake was interested now, your friend leaned in with expectant eyes, "Who?" He simply asked.

"You'll be shocked." You told him. Lake gave you a shrug. "If I told you it was the Radio Demon—"

"YOU SPENT THE DAY WITH THE RADIO DEMON?!" Lake suddenly shouted, the restaurant went dead silent, you glared daggers at him, your canines showing themselves. You quickly turned to the customers, they all looked away and continued about their business. Lake still looked shocked, he gaped at you.

"Why the fuck did you shout?" You seethed, lowering your voice.

"Can you blame me?" Lake replied back, "It's Alastor! Feared Overlord slash serial killer! THE Radio Demon!" He whisper-yelled, making hand gestures for emphasis. You couldn't exactly tell him he was wrong, Alastor rarely took interest in other people, and he seemed to be more interested in doing his broadcasts rather than interacting with the sinners down here. "Did he want anything from you?"

"What could he possibly want?" You asked, confused. You gestured to yourself, "I barely have anything to offer!" Lake glanced you over, thinking.

He suddenly looked at you with a warning gaze, "Knowing him, he could have some bad intentions, and the fact that he never told you what they could be is another warning." He said urgently, you felt your heart race a little, you unconsciously clasped the little rose in your pocket. Lake grabbed your shoulders, keeping his eyes on yours, "Whatever you do, be on watch. He's extremely unpredictable and secretive, (Y/N), and you know that."

You remained silent. Despite his true, evil and sadistic nature, Alastor was.. a real sweetheart yesterday, he gave you a rose and a note for God's sake! He even went out of his way to help you recover from your nightmare, not leaving you alone, it was annoying at times but he was trying to help. And Alastor was one of the few that acknowledged you like that, seeing past your mask you put everyday.

You hated feeling touched by that thought, a bit of heat rushing to your face, you shook your head. You met Lake's eyes, "I'll be fine. I can take care of myself."

Lake didn't say anything more, he let go of your shoulders and nodded. "Of course you can. But he's more powerful than you, he can overpower you at any time." He added gravely, you bit your lip nervously, the rose in your pocket once provided you comfort but now remembering it was from the deer demon.. it made you uncomfortable.

Mysterious and Dangerous | Alastor | Hazbin HotelМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя