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The following morning you woke up, feeling very exhausted still, your body ached and refused to get up. You groaned in pain and rubbed your eyes tiredly, you noticed you didn't even bother to change out of your blood stained clothes, huh. You tiredly removed the blanket from your body, hesitantly, and got up, you blinked a few times as you tried to recall the events of last night.

So you went out on a killing spree, but you weren't alone, Alastor was with you, and even asked if you two were gonna meet again. You didn't say yes or no, you didn't want to raise his hopes up, nor did you even trust him. You two just met after all, and your view of every sinner down here may never change. Everyone would betray you at some point. That's why you never get too attached.

You checked the time, it was an hour before your work, you decided to take advantage of the time. You walked over to your bathroom and began to take a shower, you sighed at the feeling of the cold water against your skin, it was relaxing and it eased your body. You snapped your fingers and some shampoo appeared in your hands, you rubbed your hair thouroughly and got rid of some knots.

Your ears flopped down in a relaxed state, after washing your hair and the rest of your body you turned off the shower, a squeak echoing in the bathroom. You slowly got out and waved your hand, a towel appearing, you quickly dried yourself. After that you were now changed into a white suit with black pants, and black gloves with a white ribbon in your hair, you look at yourself in the mirror and smiled in satisfaction.

You glanced at the clock, you were still thirty minutes early, you fixed up your bedroom in a snap and went downstairs to make breakfast. You check your pantries and decided on some eggs, you levitated a few eggs and a pan, you placed it on the stove and cracked the eggs, then you started cooking them. The images of last night came back to you, though you were confused as to why it kept coming back to your thoughts.

It wasn't too eventful after all, and not too different from any other night you decide to go out killing, though having Alastor with you made it a little strange. You shook your head and turned off the stove and ate your breakfast, before leaving your apartment to start your day.

Meanwhile, Alastor was walking along the streets, smiling, head held high, cane in hand. Sinners, as usual, either screeched in terror or ran away, even both, oh how he loved hearing and seeing them react those ways. It brought him twisted delight. Especially when he kills, it was so much more enjoyable.

He focused on the place he was going to, humming a tone happily as he walked, his mind wandered to the previous night he shared with the mysterious Wolf demon. She was interesting to him, when he came close to her, he felt a strange energy around her that seemed familiar. Except he couldn't pinpoint on what it was, she was strong, he could say that. She also experiences pleasure from killing, he figured by now she was also a serial killer, despite her abilities Alastor couldn't help but wonder how she got them. And the strange aura around her was another mystery. The Radio Demon shook his head, walking a few more minutes until he arrived at a fellow Overlord's emporium.

The big sign read Franklin and Rosie's Emporium, his red orbs glanced through a window, he smiled a little wider when he saw the female Overlord, busying herself with sewing some clothes. Alastor adjusted his bow and knocker at the door, a few seconds passed and Rosie greeted him, looking pleased.

"Ah, Alastor, dearie! Great to see you." Rosie said sweetly, Alastor reached for her hand and kissed the back of it.

"Good morning, Rosie, dear! May I come in?" Alastor chirped with his usual cheerful tone, Rosie nodded and let him in, several wonderful pieces of clothing greeted Alastor, dresses, tuxes, suits. Most of them were unfinished and needed some more work, he would've offered to help but Rosie waved her hand dismissively after Alastor gave her a look.

Mysterious and Dangerous | Alastor | Hazbin HotelWhere stories live. Discover now