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! Gore Ahead !

You calmed yourself down as you helped tidy up the restaurant, the last customers leaving, you sigh in relief as your shift was coming to an end. Your eyes glanced around the room, you realized that the Radio Demon was nowhere to be seen, you were confused but tried to shrug it off. "You never told me that the Radio Demon made a reservation here." You told Lake, who was busy wiping the counter, he raised an eyebrow at you.

"You never asked. Why do you suddenly care about it?" He asked. You shrugged, his ears pointed back as he gave you an unamused look, without another word you snapped your fingers and all the chairs fixed into proper position. You picked up the cleaning supplies and put them back in their cabinet.

Walking over to Lake, you snapped your fingers again and the counter was clean in an instant, Lake grunted what sounded to be a thank you and locked up the cabinet, most of your fellow workers have gone home now. You and Lake would usually be the last ones to leave, after one final glance at the restaurant you decided it was time to go.

"So, I saw you and that radio host talking." Lake commented as you locked up the place, the sky was a dark red, showing it was night time now. You changed out of your unifrom and now wore more casual clothes, a (F/C) hoodie with black pants and boots, Lake leaned against the wall as he stared at you.

You sighed, your nose twitching, "I bumped into him, I actually half expected him to get angry, but he didn't." Lake's ears perked up in interest, your (E/C) orbs glanced at the sky again, you remembered what you were planning to do for the rest of the evening.

"Well he kept talking to you for a while, you think he's interested?" You nearly doubled over. Alastor? Interested in you? No, certainly not. You stared at Lake with a blank look, noticing this he raised his paws in the air, "Hey, I'm not saying it could be true." He defended himself.

You rolled your eyes and gave him the keys, he grumbled under his breath and hid them in his coat pocket, "Whatever Lake, even if he was I'm not interested, just go home. I'll still be out." You told him, already feeling your teeth sharpen.

"Another killing spree?" Lake asked, you merely shrugged.

"Not just for fun but one of our customers didn't pay earlier, I'll just track them down and give them a piece of my mind." You grinned, your eyes darkening, Lake knew you loved blood baths like this, and he wasn't even sure how you were able to get along. A regular sinner and an Overlord.

"Don't they fear you enough already?" Lake blurted out, you rolled your eyes at him, he glared.

"I still get messed with, they clearly don't believe in what I can do to them." You said, "Go home, Lake, you might get in between them and me." You ordered, Lake crossed his paws together.

"Fine, fine, but don't blame me if you get into more trouble like last time." Lake scoffed, and then turned to leave, you were now alone. Your ears perked up, highly alert, your tail swished from side to side as your claws and teeth started growing longer and sharper.

Killing time.

"Hello again, my dear!" You jumped at the chipper radio laced voice you heard, you snapped your head to see Alastor, smiling at you as he stood there with his hand behind his back. You glared at him, how could you not have sensed him? "Something wrong?" He asked, looking at you innocently. That pesky little sneak.

"Maybe sneaking up on me like that." You growled slightly, how were your senses not able to pick up his presence? Alastor laughed, his static laced laughter echoing. You were growing irritated and just wanted to start the blood bath.

Mysterious and Dangerous | Alastor | Hazbin HotelWhere stories live. Discover now