Cнα⅊тɛʀ 24 (edited)

Start from the beginning

Inside the bathroom, the reflection staring back at me in the mirror was unrecognisable with smudged mascara and eyeliner, the foundation trailing in streaks and the once subtle blush now hidden from the redness my face had swollen with. I placed the flowers down to remove the mess on my face and reapply my makeup with what little products I had brought with me, but it wasn't until I was almost finished that I was overcome with the alienating feeling that I didn't want to be here any longer. It wasn't even about the party, it was Las Vegas in general, I didn't want to be anywhere that wasn't home. I wanted to be back with my family and friends, to go back to the normal routine of being in the office, and the passing scenery of New York with its skyscrapers and bright green parks, not the neon lights and constant casinos. I needed home.

Finally managing to be presentable I picked the flowers back up, tightening my hold on them as the warm feeling in my heart grew and I headed back out into the hallway. I tried to concentrate on finding Elijah so we could enter the grand hall together but the sudden contact of someone grabbing my hand from behind had me jolting in shock and when the force hurled me towards one of the walls, my back strongly collided with it, knocking my breath away and dazing me for a few seconds.

'Oh no, the flowers!' I panicked, feeling that they were no longer in my hand and instead were now discarded on the floor in a mess, 'I need them back!' The person that had caused me to drop the rare show of affection from Elijah was slowly leaning in with a disgusting grin plastered on its Frankenstein face. Leon stood in front of me completely ignoring the flowers as he moved a step closer and stomped indignantly on the bouquet whilst placing both his hands on the wall behind me trapping my petite figure.

"My, my, my, what do we have here? I haven't seen you in so long Miss Jones", Leon sultrily commented, his breath mingling with my own to the point I wanted to hurl vomit from the obvious signs of his alcohol adoration, "We should go inside a private room and catch up, just the two of us."

"No thank you, please let me leave", I tried to politely and professionally say but Leon was one stubborn and ignorant man.

"Don't worry, Elijah won't even notice you're gone, and I'll do a better job of looking after you then he ever will."

"I don't consent to any of this, let me go", I ordered him with a stern voice, hoping that the newfound courage I'd developed from working under Elijah was now paying off.

Leon scoffed, trailing one hand up to my arm and grabbing a small strand of hair to twirl in his finger as he replied, "I don't like disobedient women, Miss Nora, so you'd be wise to submit to me."

Fear flashed through my mind as I remembered the rumours about Leon and the constant danger, I was getting myself into. Without thinking too much I screamed at the top of my voice, hoping that if it was loud enough then someone would hear me and rescue me from my captor's strong clutches. I managed to get Elijah's name out into the open air before Leon forcefully clamped my mouth shut with his hand, stifling any future pleads and moving down to kiss my collar bone with aggression.

The sound of ripping ricocheted through the hallways and the onslaught of chills crept across my chest as Leon destroyed the top half of my white dress greedily. He was moving with speed knowing that we were out in the open and someone could come here any second. As he continued his attack, his other hand moved from the wall and started to painfully grab my body wherever he could. His lips shifted from my collar bone, where I was convinced he had left an ugly hickey, and made them meet my own, his tongue weaselling its way through to explore.

Bossy Vibes (Editing)Where stories live. Discover now