Chapter 13: Everyone'e here!

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3rd Person POV

"Go! Go! What are you bunnies?! Run!" C was giving training to the troops and the boys. They were running laps around the forest and C was running backwards, already knowing the way of the forest trail. The boys had been given lessons and intense physical training to help them keep up with the rest of everyone else. Their weekdays consisted of lessons about communication between other groups and economics topped off with six split hours of intense physical training. On weekends they would be given talks with everyone else by Star. The skeletons helped to train too. But everyone could tell they had some romance between each other.

On one particular day while running laps around the forest, just as everyone passed by the radiation plant, a crash sounded in the plant. Everyone stopped and decided to check it out. They all entered the plant to find a bunch of skeletons piled onto the floor. "Sci you shi*! You said this was fracking safe!" Edgy boi said, who was under Classic. "I said this was safe but not there was nothing about success." Sci said, who was crushed under Killer. "Well look who else are here~" Lust answered, posing on top of Horror. "Get off me!" Killer groaned who was squashed up under Lust and Horror. Geno was desperately trying to get away from Reaper, who was trying to kiss him. "Oh hey guys! I know where the others are." C said, helping the skeletons on top to get up. "Nighty!" Killer said, immediately perking up. "Yup the other are over at base." Yu answered gesturing for them to follow.

Everyone got back to camp and C called the training off. C and L guided the other skeletons off to meet the rest. Lust, Horror, Red, Classic, Killer, Geno, Reaper and Sci met back with the ones who left in the portal. "Nighty!" Killer cheered and jumped right onto Nightmare. "K-killer?" Nightmare stuttered nervously, not expecting Killer to jump onto him. Dream smirked at the sight but didn't expect Cross to kiss him on the cheek which caused him to burn up like a glow stick. Classic grinned at everyone while sipping on ketchup. Red was chugging down bottles of unwanted mustard. "Hey guys!" Ink said, smiling, "Guess Sci found a way to get all of you here! We've decided to stay here for a while some stuff! Yeah!" "wE'Re jUsT hERe to hAnG oUt. tHat'S wHaT InKy mEAnT." Error corrected, his arm around Ink's shoulder. "Seems legit," Classic said between sips of ketchup. Everyone agreed and stayed.

Horror POV

So Ink decided that we would stay here until further notice. Everything was fine just that I couldn't make head dogs. I walked along a path in the park, snow falling softly onto the ground. Ink, Error, Blue, Dust, Cross, Dream, Killer and Nightmare were playing monopoly which was not going to end well. Classic and Fell were training a bunch of students at the military area. Geno was trying to run away from Reaper. "Heh," I said, walking along the path, "One moment we're destroying AUs and the other we're part of the good guys."

I suddenly heard distant sobbing. Well since I'm a good guy I might as well see what's going on... I looked to see a skeleton sitting under a tree. I walked closer to see that it was Lust. I sat down beside him. He stopped sobbing and looked at me. He rubbed his eye sockets and looked away. I sighed and asked, "Ok what's wrong..." "W-what do you think of m-me, Horror?" Lust asked, hiccuping. "Well I think you're a flirty sh*t but you have a nice personality and most people only stereotype you by your AU." I answered truthfully, waving my hand around to express myself. Lust started sobbing again, his face in his hands. "H-hey! D-did I say a-anything wrong?" I stuttered, confused why he was sobbing again. "N-no! It's just t-that I'm happy that someone understands me! I-it's just that everyone always thinks I'm just some lusty sh*t and think I don't have any real feelings. I just-" I wrapped my arms around him and he kept quiet. Snow fell onto the ground softly as tears fell down his cheeks. "Thank you, Horror." Lust said, smiling. "Speak to no one of this" I said quickly letting go. "Oh~? I'm sure I'll keep this little secret just between the both of us~" Lust cooed, running his finger along my arm. "Ok now you're just doing it on purpose!" I huffed, but smiled. "Maybe~" he answered smiling at me. We sat there, watching as the snow fell softly and we talked.

Classic POV

"Is that all you weaklings got?!" Red shouted at the kids. I grinned and levitated five more basketballs and aimed them at the remaining kids. Red, on the other hand, grabbed the balls and threw them aimlessly, reloading quickly. Red and I were playing a good ol' game of dodgeball with the so called elite kids. We knocked all of them out in a couple of minutes. "Okay kiddos, go get your dinner now, we'll see if we can train again tomorrow." I said, teleporting to the canteen area with Red.

I grabbed a bottle of ketchup and sat at a table as Red sat down beside me with a bottle of mustard. L walked past us and saw that we were only drinking condiments for dinner, again, and plonked two plates of spaghetti onto the table and ordered us to eat. We both sighed, and started eating. "Woah, this spaghetti is good," I said between slurps of spaghetti. Spaghetti made me think of pap who was probably hanging out with the other papyruses. "Hey Red, how is your papyrus?" I asked, curious since Red never really talked about his papyrus. He mumbled something inaudible and I asked him the question again. "I said I don't want to talk about it!" Red growled, slamming his hands onto the table. I flinched at his reaction and kept quiet. "Sorry..." Red mumbled, "It's just my attitude." "It's ok it you don't want to talk about it," I said, sipping my ketchup. "No no it's fine," Red answered, gulping down his mustard, "It's just that bos- I mean papyrus is all royal guard and everything and he expects me to work harder and he's all fierce and stuff and hates me sleeping on the job. He'll shout at me and I just feel that he isn't my brother anymore. And everyone in underfell is hard and fierce and we can't let our emotions show..." Deep. "Well, I'll always be here if you need me," I smiled, patting his shoulder. I got up and was about to leave when Red grabbed my hand. I burned up and looked behind me to see Red blushing red too. "I-uh, Sans, well I just feel that I wanted to tell you something..." he stuttered, letting go of my hand. "Sans, ever since I've met you, I've felt something different around you. It doesn't feel like happiness but something more... I just want to tell you that I like you, as in more than a friend, and I hope that you feel the same way as well. It's really fine if you don't..." I froze there for a moment, not knowing what to do. Red slammed his eye sockets shut tight not wanting to see me. I smiled and pecked his cheek lightly before teleporting to my room, knowing that I left a blushing Red at the table.


Woah! The ships escalated quickly! Please don't blame me I'm bad at sanscest writing .3.
Also let me know your ships for the humans in the comments! :3

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