The Strawberry Milkshake

Start from the beginning

Remus laughed and began to relax a bit more, crossing his arms slightly as he stared at Sirius.

"I'm more of a vanilla milkshake man myself," he said with a small smirk.

Sirius bit his lip. "That's only because you haven't been introduced to the wonders of strawberry milkshakes yet."

Remus cocked an eyebrow. "Is that an invitation?"

Sirius chuckled. "Only if you want it to be."

Remus laughed and pressed his lips together lightly.

"Did you come over here just to tell me that I'm missing out on strawberry milkshakes?"

Sirius smiled. "I came over here because I didn't the other half of my order."

Remus' heart dropped. Did he forget an order?


Sirius laughed. "Your number, silly!"

Remus' felt himself exhale in relief as he began to laugh as well. "O-Oh, right."

He grabbed his pencil and paper and quickly scribbled his number on the notepaper before ripping it off the pad and giving it to Sirius.

Sirius folded the paper and tucked it in his pocket before standing up and running a hand though his hair. He smiled at Remus before turning to leave and meet the two men who were waiting outside for him, only to stop halfway to the door and turned back around.

"What hours do you work?"

Remus gulped. "U-Uh, noon to nine, weekdays only."

Sirius nodded and gave him a small smile before leaving the diner and walking away with his friends.

Remus sighed in relief as he walked into the kitchen and saw Lily scrubbing the grill still. She looked up and smiled at Remus as he sat down at a little table in the corner of the room, raking his fingers through his hair.

"What's got you all riled up?"

Remus laughed slightly. "I just sort of flirted with that guy somehow and gave him my number."

Lily began to clap her hands together and cheer as he laughed. "Yay! My baby Remmy is finally getting the hang of dating!"

Remus rolled his eyes. "I'm honestly confused as to how I didn't fuck that up."

Lily merely scoffed. "How? You're charming, you're handsome, and you're fucking six-foot-three, which is a huge bonus! Any guy would be lucky to have you."

Remus watched as Lily continued scrubbing the grill, her smile faltering a bit.

"Are you alright, Lils?"

She looked up and smiled slightly. "Yeah, why?"

Remus looked back at her. "Have you been taking your meds?"

Lily stopped scrubbing and smiled sadly. She shook her head and bit her lip.

"For how long?"

She sighed as she tossed her rag in the sink and walked over to sit with Remus, running her fingers through her red hair and biting her lip gently.

"A week."

Remus frowned slightly.

She sat up slightly as she messed with her apron hem. "I-I just thought that maybe I was getting better, you know? Maybe I wouldn't need them."

Remus sighed. "I know Lils. But until Lou says you're alright to stop—"

"I have to keep taking them."

Remus nodded as he gave Lily a sad smile, who returned it immediately. Remus inhaled and sat up slightly.

"Come on, let's go see who can make the craziest milkshake. Bet you five bucks I can. Test it on the next customer?"

Lily's eyes lit up and she stood up. "You're on, Lupin!"

Long story short, a bag of marshmallows went missing, a load of sugar was spilled onto the counter, and a whole can of whipped cream was used up.

Lily won.


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