You Gotta Help Me Conquer It

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Jeremy's POV

I take a deep breath, shaking slightly as I exhale.

This is it. Just do it, Jeremy!

I look to my left and see Michael. My imperfect, perfect Michael. He looks me directly in the eye, with a nervous smile on his face. He grabs my hand and begins to walk. I hesitate, anxious. Michael turns to me and gives me encouraging nod. A wave of confidence washes over me, giving me enough strength to keep going.

We step into the school. I feel the stares of my peers as we walk down the hallway, each whisper, each gasp sharp knives, cutting down the assurance I had moments before. The tears begin to well up in my eyes. My heart races and my palms are sweating profusely. I can't do this. I let go of Michael's hand, and run with my head down to the bathroom, careful to make sure no one sees my face.

Michael's POV

Jeremy left me alone in the hallway. I though he was ready. We have been together for about a month now, I thought we both felt that it was time to stop hiding.

I thought I felt as horrified as Jeremy, but when he lets go of my hand and runs away, I begin to worry. What if he isn't ready? What have I done? I race to the bathroom, pushing the door open. I freeze at the sound of stifled whimpers. 

"Jeremy?" I ask, panic flooding my body. I did this to him. I had forced him into to coming out to the school. Jeremy, the person I love the most, is alone in the bathroom and it's all my fault.

I know exactly how that feels.

"I'm so sorry," I say, my voice shaking. "I thought you were ready. I'm so sorry, I should've known."

I feel useless standing outside the stall door. Only a cheap partition separates us, but Jeremy feels so unreachable. I reach my arms into the air grasping at nothing, before I let them fall limply at my side. I know this is a battle he has to fight on his own—but I will still be right here. 

Minutes pass. Finally, I hear a creak. Soon Jeremy's arms are surrounding me, his head resting on my shoulder. I wrap my arms around him, hugging him like there's no tomorrow. Because honestly, who knows? We stay there for forever, neither of us wanting to let go. Warmth and comfort surround me, and slowly but surely, I feel his breathing calm against my chest. 

Still enveloped in his arms I whisper, "Jeremy, I promise I will never not listen to you again. I know this was already hard for you...sometimes I just forget..." I pull back a bit to look him in the eye. "I forget how hard it is to come out. You were the first person I came out to, took me years. Jer, I've known I was gay since the seventh grade...I thought if I told you I would lose you, my best friend! And now look where we are. I didn't lose you, I gained more of you. Coming out can be horrifying, but...sometimes it...makes everything better in the end. And we don't have to be out now, not next month, not next year, not in ten years. But I refuse to lose you. So when you're ready, I'm gonna be there for you."

Jeremy's POV

I don't know what I did to deserve someone as special, and caring, and as beautiful as Michael Mell. I don't know how to respond, or what to do, so I do the first thing my body can think of.

I lean forward, my arms around his waist, and I kiss Michael. It's light, and innocent, but it's just right. We break apart and he gives me the cutest, most hopeful, most adorable smile. I open the bathroom door and gesture for him to follow me into the crowded hallway. He follows and we step out, into the slightly menacing florescent lights. I lace my fingers in his. Michael hesitates, and gives me a questioning look. This time, I give the reassuring nod. High school may be hell, but at least I have the world's best Player One to help me conquer it. 

Authors Note: 

WE DID IT!!!! Love you guys. New chapter coming soon.

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