So Many Changes That I'm Going Through

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A/N: You guys already know how sorry I am for the ridiculously late update. 

New York was absolutely amazing, I'm so grateful I got to go. I met George. :3

Warning: Mentions of sex. Let's be mature, people. 

Jeremy's POV

"So what did ya think of that?" Michael laughs, grabbing my hand as we turn the corner.

"The sustainable Doritos?" I ask, swinging our hands between us. I love moments like these. Just the little things, like the way Michael's fingers feel intertwined with mine.

"No, Silly," he replies, smiling. "The whole do-over date thing?"

"Oh! Yeah, it was great. Much better than our first one."

Michael's face quickly changes from happily relaxed to the look he gets when he's bursting to tell you something. Before he can say a word, I ask, "What is it?"

"You're not gonna believe this," he responds, with genuine seriousness.

"I swallowed a tic tac that almost took over the world. Try me, Michael. Try me," I challenge, checking both ways before crossing the street. We're going to my house to study and finish up some homework, and my dad took the car this morning, so we're walking.

"Okay, I'm not one hundred percent sure. . .actually I'm one million percent sure about this," my boyfriend says, tucking hair behind his ear with his free hand. "So, your dad, right?"

I'm one million percent sure I have no idea where this is going. "Uhuh?"

"Yeah. So, your dad had like, a gay lover in his past. Which is. . .weird to think about, but whatever."


"Sorry, it just is." I nod, prompting him to stay on topic. "Right. So your dad had a gay lover in his past, and suddenly we have this kind-of-hot-but-he's-old substitute who is talking all fondly about your dad. He pauses at the mention of your last name and looks at you all wistfully and he sent my gaydar off like crazy. And your dad and Mr. Kumar knew each other in the past! And your dad said he had a gay lover in his past! And Mr. Kumar is gay! And knew your dad in the past! So he was probably gay in the past! Gay when he knew your dad who was also gay in the past! Coincidence?" Michael grins as he catches his breath.

"Oh my god," I say, thinking out loud. "Oh my god."

"I know right!" Michael says, practically jumping with excitement. "It's crazy and it's really weird, but it makes sense. I mean, think about it!"

I bring a hand to my forehead. Strangely, Michael is right; the way Mr. Kumar had looked at me, the way he paused at my last name, and the weird compliment about how I had his eyes. "That's. . .ew. I. . .ew. I don't want to think about that," I say, shaking my head. It was weird enough before, but imagining Mr. Kumar with my dad was a whole new level of weird.

We approach my driveway, hands still linked. We walk up the familiar stone steps, and by the time we reach the top, my boyfriend has managed to entangle himself in my arms. "I love you," Michael says simply, and then spins out of my embrace. He races to the door, whipping out the keys from his pocket. When did he steal my keys? I laugh at his childlike manner and run with him.

"Last one to the basement is a rotten egg!" I shout, as my boyfriend rapidly unlocks the door. We both burst through, bodies colliding as we race pass the kitchen. We're almost at the top of the stairs when I pull ahead, practically jumping down the steps. Like usual, launch myself into the couch.

I crash seconds before Michael, who "accidentally" falls right on top of me. We're both awkwardly smashed into the couch cushions, my face pressed into a pillow, Michael's face pressed into my back.

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