It's Just What We Do

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Michael's POV

It's the last lap of MarioKart and both of us are narrowed in on the screen, determined to win. I dare not look at Jeremy's cute face of frustration. This is Rainbow Road after all. Wii Rainbow Road. You blink and you fall of the course. Brutal.

But the urge to stare at Jeremy has overcome me. I sneak a glance. His brow is furrowed and his tongue is out slightly, and he looks like an adorably fierce puppy.

"YESSSS!" He shouts, unable to contain his excitement. I laugh at his cheers. Jeremy has always been better at this game than me, but he's crushed everyone, including the CPU's. I crossed the finish line in fifth, which we've decided is the worst place to finish in. Everyone always feels bad for fourth place, because first, second, and third are what really counts, but people are so worried about fourth that they forget about the real pity—fifth place.

He chuckles gleefully, after looking at my side of the screen. He turns to me and says, "Oh Mwikey...fif pwace?"

I shake my head, giggling a bit. I love seeing Jer so happy. I can't believe it's already been a month since Christine broke up with him.

Jeremy's POV

I can't believe it's already been a month since Christine broke up with me. Looking at it now, I question how much I really liked her. Of course, she will always be my friend, but I don't know if I ever truly loved her in that way.

Wanting to forget about her right now, I check the clock on my phone.

"Jesus, Mikey, it's 2AM."

"Holy crap...that means we've been playing MarioKart for three fricking hours!!"

We both laugh. When I'm with Michael...I feel free? Maybe that's not the right word. But I can be myself with him, and I know he'll love me no matter what.

Wordlessly, we pull the couch out into a bed. I throw a blanket and a few pillows on it. We both collapse into it, exhausted. I pull the blanket over me, and Michael does the same. He laughs and steals the whole blanket, rolling in it like a burrito.

"Not fair!! Give it back!" I yell, cracking up.

"No way, Jose!" He shouts back.

I grab the blanket and pull. It does nothing. I know what I must do.

I throw my self on top of him, our laughter never ceasing.

"If you won't..." I tug on the blanket, "...give it to me..I'm just gonna take it from you!!" I give one final tug and the blanket is mine. I throw it in the air, my hands on two of the corners, and I spread it out across me.

"I'm coolddd," Michael wines.

"Fine. We can share."

He sticks his tongue out at me but scoots over to pull himself under the covers.

Michael's POV

I inch in closer to Jeremy, and then realize I could never fall asleep looking at him, so I turned around. We were almost spooning.

Without a word, Jeremy scooted closer and encompassed my body in his arms. Now we were spooning. My face was hot. I tried to breathe slowly, tried to relax. It was just Jeremy. Nice one, brain. Just Jeremy. A friendly reminder that "Just Jeremy" is also the one that you've been madly in love with since the end of six grade. I sighed, a little too loudly.

"You good, Michael?" Jeremy asked.

"Yeah." I tried to say, but it came out as more of a croak.

"No, you're not. Talk to me."

I turn around, careful to make sure my face will be far away enough from Jeremy's. But for some unexplainable reason, he scoots closer. No problem, I think. There's still a solid distance between us.

I glance up, and Jeremy is looking at me, concern written all over his face. I want to tell him. I want to tell him how gay I really am. I want to tell him I'm in love with him. I want to, but when I open my mouth, no words come out.

"Michael, you can tell me anything."

"I-I know."

I can't get myself to say it. I dig my fingernails into my leg and spit it out.

"I'm gay."

It comes out barely audible, but I know Jeremy has heard me, because his eyes have widened, and his mouth is open. My eyes fill with water. I knew it. Why did I ever think telling him was a good idea? How could I be so stupid? I can't believe what I've just done.

Jeremy's POV

I didn't know what to say. Michael, my best friend since forever, has been hiding a part of himself from me. I can't speak, but when the words come out, they are weak, and I realize I'm crying.

"Why d-didn't you tell me s-sooner?" I choked out.

"I-I don't know." He's crying too now, which makes me feel worse.

I take my hand and wipe his tears away.

"A-and," He says, "I'm in love-" There's a pause. The silence is deafening.

"-with you," he finishes.

I freeze. This time, I don't even know what to think. I move in closer, and reach for his hands. I squeeze them. I look up at Michael, who's staring at his fingers, tears slipping down his cheeks.

Michael's POV

My eyes wander from my hands, until I'm looking back up at Jeremy. He stares back, a look I've never seen before in his eyes.

I scoot closer, closing the space between us. I look at him and silently ask a question. The answer will change the course of friendship, of our lives, no matter what he says.

But before I know it, Jeremy's lips are pressed up against mine. There are no words to describe the feeling that made up everything in my body when Jeremy kissed me. I don't know if I've ever felt so loved and open in my life.

After what felt like a lifetime, he pulled away. We stay there, just him and me, and the rest of the world falls away.

"I love you, Jer," I whispered.

"I love you too, Mikey."

I pressed a kiss on his forehead, and in a matter of minutes, we were fast asleep.

Word Count: 1061

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