Prom Night

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It's been about a month and I'm taking Cheryl to prom. "You ok?" I ask quietly as we sway to the music. "Yeah! It's just everything is starting to set in." I smile sadly. "I just wish Jason was here to go to prom and graduate." She lies into me. "You know he'll always be with you, maybe not physically but he's always going to be with you in here." I point to her heart. "It's not the same." She whispers. "I know, but there isn't anything you can do and that's ok." She nods. "I miss him though." I kiss the top of her head. "We all do." I whisper. "You never met him." I smile. "Yeah, but from what you've said about him I feel like I know him. Now I know what it's like to be my mom's friends on Facebook." She laughs quietly. "He would have liked you." She says looking at me. "You think?" She nods. "Yeah, you protect me." She kisses me. I smile. "You're my person." I whisper before kissing her. "You're my person." She whispers. She looks over and Kevin and Fangs. "Finally!" I whisper. "Fangs doesn't know that we're the reason they are together yet does he?" Cheryl shakes her head. "Nope! Thanks for nudging Fangs." She says quietly. "Anytime. He's my brother I don't like seeing him lonely." I say. "Yeah." She smiles. "How much longer are you in town?" I look at Cheryl. "Well, schools over for me, I've just need traveling with Veronica because Archie and her broke up, again!" She smile. "It was weird, since she was planning on going with Archie she got the like Honeymoon suit so I had to take a bath in a heart shaped tub and we had to share a heart shaped bed." Cheryl laughs at me. "What?" I ask smirking. "It's just hilarious how you literally have no attraction to V!" I look at her slightly jealous. "Do you have a crush on Veronica?" I ask. "I did! Sophomore year, so I don't really get what you don't see in her." I smile. "You're the only girl I'm attracted to. Well, maybe Mila Kunis, but there is no way in hell I'm getting her she's happily married with kids. And maybe Jennifer Aniston." I tell her. "Because of how much we watch 90's sitcoms?" I nod. She rolls her eyes. "You're so weird." I smile. "Hell yeah man!" She kisses me. "I saw the posters for prom queen and king." I whisper. She looks at me. "I figured me and Fangs could run together because we are friends and if we both win you won't be jealous." I nod. "You're right." Weatherbee walks onto the small stage. "Can I have everyone's attention!" Everyone looks at him. "We are going to announce our prom King and Queen." He says. This is all ridiculous! I don't get the hype around it but, Cheryl has been dreaming of this since she was a little girl, so I'll be supportive for her. "Your prom king is..." the drummer does a small drum roll, this is crazy. I roll my eyes a little. "Fangs Fogarty!" Everyone claps. "How?" I ask quietly. "Who knows." Cheryl whispers clapping. Fangs goes up onto stage and takes his crown. "And your prom queen is..." oh god the drum roll! It's over dramatic! "Cheryl Blossom!" She cheers and hugs me before running up to stage. Kevin walks over to me. "You hurt Fangs I'm gonna kill you." I say immediately. "Why does that matter to you?" He ask confused. "He's my brother." I look at Kev. "Oh, and I'm in a gang." I smirk. I pat his back. "I wasn't planning on hurting him." He says awkwardly. "I know, you're a good kid." I smile. "And I won't actually kill you but I will seriously hurt you. I workout for 3 hours a day, almost everyday for the past 8 years." He nods. We watch our partners dance. Cheryl was right I'm not jealous, they look like five year olds who don't know what love is dancing at a wedding. It's kinda funny. "Does Fangs have 2 left feet?" Kevin ask taking me out of my thoughts. "Probably. Our dad can't dance if his life depended on it and I don't think his mom either." I say as Cheryl almost kills Fangs probably from stepping on her feet. "Don't you mean your mom too?" I shake my head. "No, we share a dad not a mom." He nods. "That explains the last name thing." I look at Kevin. "I thought it was like his first name and was just a nickname." I smile. "No! My parents were going through stuff and they actually separated and my dad met his mom and had him. It's a long story." I whisper. The song ends Cheryl and Fangs take some pictures together and than they come over to Kev and I. "Do you want to get out of here?" She ask quietly. "My feet hurt." I nod. "Do you guys want to go to Pop's?" Fangs ask. I look at Cheryl she shakes her head. "We were planning on going to my house." She says pulling me out. I wave to Fangs goodbye. "Are we going to have sex?" I ask as we leave and go to the truck. "Do you want to?" She ask concerned. "N-not not really." I whisper. She smiles. "Ok." She kisses me. I kiss her back. "What do you want to do?" She ask quietly. "Order a pizza, watch a movie..." We go into my truck and go to her house. She opens the door. "You ok?" I ask quietly. "Do you have to keep asking me that?" She looks at me. "Yeah I do." I whisper. She nods. She sits down on the couch, I help take off her shoes. "I saw you talking to Kevin." I look at Cheryl who has a big grin. "What do interrogate him about?" She ask quietly. I smile. "I said that if he hurt Fangs I would do the same to him." She sighs. "He's more than a brother to me." She sits up. "You aren't going to jail!" She whispers. She looks down. "Even though I do think Jason would kill you if you hurt me." I smile. "Do you want to take off your dress? Not in a sexual way!" She laughs a little. "Yeah!" I help her up. "I want to take a bath." She says. "Than let's go upstairs." I smile. We slowly go upstairs. "Did you drink the punch?" I ask quietly. She nods. "Yeah, I think someone spiked it." I whisper. "What about you?" She ask as me. "I took one sip and realized there was vodka in it." I help her get off her dress. ""Why didn't you stop me?" She ask quietly. "Because I told you and you didn't listen." I say as we go into the bathroom. "True." I shake my head, smiling a little.

I walk back into the bathroom after getting changed and getting some water for Cheryl.
"Better?" I ask quietly. I hand Cheryl the water and she drinks it all. "Yeah." She smiles. "When was the last time you drank like that?" I ask quietly. "I don't know." She whispers. I feel the water and notice that it's getting cold. "Do you want to get out?" I ask. She groans. "Not really." She looks at me. I rub her back. "Ok." I whisper. "Have you talked to your mom?" She ask quietly. "Yeah." I nod. "How's she doing?" My parents are fighting again and I don't know how Fangs is dealing with it. "I don't know, every time I mentioned it, she would change the subject." I whisper. "Do you think there is more?" I look at her. "My dad isn't a violet person." She looks at me like I'm in denial. "Seriously! I've seen my parents fight for the past 19 years on and off! My dad isn't a violet person." I tell her. She nods. "You're right." She whispers. "If anything it's probably something she's doing." I stop for a second. "Promise me won't fight." I whisper. "Not like my parents. We can still have our usual bickering." She laughs quietly. "Of course." She kisses me. "I love you." I whisper. "I love you too." She smiles. "Something is bothering you though." She rubs my cheek. "I still don't think I can get through college." I whisper holding back tears. "I don't really want to talk about it right now." She wipes my tears. "I think I just made your face more wet." We both laugh quietly. "It's ok." I grab a towel and wipe my face. "When do you want to talk about it?" She ask quietly. "Tomorrow. I kinda just want to go to bed." I say. "I'll be out in a minute, go get some sleep." She whispers. I get up and go into the bedroom. I don't really know what else happens I kinda plop down on the bed and fall asleep. "Toni..." I look at Cheryl. "W-what?" I groan. "Go back to sleep, I didn't mean to wake you." She kisses my cheek. I nod lazily and go back to sleep.

Cheryl walks down into the kitchen holding her head. "Here." I hand Cheryl her medication along with Advil. "Thanks, but I need to eat first." She whispers sitting down. "That's good, because I brought Pop's!" I show her the bag. She smiles. "Thank you." I sit down. We dig into the bag and I eat my usual 3 burgers. "How!" She says. "Look at the time." I whisper. "Oh!" She sighs. "It's almost 2." I smile. "I had to go out twice. I ate the first batch of food before it got cold." I say quietly. "How's school?" I ask quietly. "Good! They retired Jason's number and we're planning a tribute at graduation for him. I have Archie doing everything because it's too hard and he was the only other person who really knew him, so it's not like I'm putting this on a complete idiot with no direction." Cheryl explains. "He's the only person you trust with this." She nods. "Yeah." I nod sadly. "I still don't really trust him but I can't do it alone." I smile. "You don't even trust yourself." She smiles sadly. "I don't really want to think about it." She whispers. "Not-not right now." She says before taking her meds. "What about college?" She ask quietly. I look down. "We get our final grades next week and honestly I'm afraid of the resolutes." I whisper. "Well, V and I have been helping you and I think you've been doing well." She tells me. "I think so, but if I pass I barely did it." She takes a long deep breath. "You're gonna pass!" She whispers. "No, you're gonna pass. You're the one who did the work I just sat there and wrote the answers, I don't think I processed anything." She smiles. "You don't really need any of the stuff when you leave college." I nod. "You're right. But I don't deserve the diploma." I take her hand. "Than I should get your high school diploma!" She jokes. We both laugh. "Well, you are getting yours in a few weeks." She nods. "H-have you talked to Betty?" I ask concerned. "No. I haven't really had the time." She says looking down. "When was the last time you talked to her? You know, since before she left for college was your best friend and now you forget she exist." I ask. "The funeral. Have you talked to Jughead?" I stop for a second. "No. I've tried to talk to him! It's on him!" I explain. "Where did he end up?" Is he ask. I shrug. "I think he ended up in Ohio." I say quietly. "Maybe Vancouver." I say slightly confusing. "You really don't know?" I shake my head. "No idea." I bite my lip. "I've talked to FP, it hasn't come up." She smiles.

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