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"Can we talk about what's going on with us?" I ask Cheryl. "I know, I should hate you right now, but I get why you did what you did. I don't like that you did it but you didn't know where our relationship was and I know you were not really conscious of your actions." I look down. "Do you think we can we try us again?" I ask quietly. She nods. "Yeah. But next time we have a fight and you don't know where our relationship is, you don't make out with some random girl at a party!" I smile. "Of course." I kiss her. "I love you." I whisper. "And I don't know why you're giving me a second chance." She cups my cheek. "I love you, and you're not one to cheat." She kisses me. "But you can't do it again." I nod. "It's not going to happen again. It was very out of character of me." I tell her. "Wait. What about the occasional drunk kiss from Veronica?" She smiles. "Depends. Do you kiss back?" I shake my head. "No! Because she walks away before I even have time to process it." She kisses me and I kiss back. "You're a better kisser anyway." I whisper against her lips. "Yeah!" I kiss her again. "Is there anything you need?" I ask quietly. "Well, there's always Pop's." She smiles. "I'll get some in a bit." I whisper. "And also I need a date to Prom." She whispers. "I can get you one." I smile. She kisses me. "I love you." She whispers. "I love you too."


It's been a few weeks and they are let me go home. Toni has to go back to school, so I've been stuck with Fangs. I don't hate him or anything! He's my best friend! But he just tries to hard to make sure I'm ok. We're at Pop's right now. "You ok?" Fangs ask quietly. "Yes!" I insist. "Sorry." He looks down. "You need to calm down!" I whisper. He nods. "When- when do you go back to school?" He ask quietly. "Next week." I take a fry. "Toni told me you got excepted to like 10 schools." He whispers. "Yeah, I'm not going to any of them." I whisper. "I can't handle it." I add. "What about online classes?" She ask quietly. "I still have to go to classes at certain times. There's times when I don't want to get out of bed for a week! You've seen me like that." I explain. "What about when you get a job?" He ask. "I run the maple company, I don't even need to do that most of the time." I tell him. "You don't want to work for your family the rest your life..." I shrug. "Now that we aren't secretly selling drugs... it doesn't suck. I got most of my psychotic family out of the business, it's not that bad." I whisper before drinking my milkshake. "Ok." He nods. "I just want to make sure you're doing the right thing." I look at him. "You're not my parents!" I get slightly frustrated. "No! It's just I don't want you to do anything you don't want to." I nod. "I don't really know what I want to do! And I don't have to go to college right away." He nods. "You're right, but you're my best friend I don't want you stuck in the same job until you die!" I take a deep breath. "I won't. But maybe I want to do that for the rest of my life!" I say quietly. "I don't want to much to change not right now." He nods. "You're right!" He smiles. "What about you?" I ask quietly. "What do you mean?" He ask sitting up. "Like what do you think you're going to do after high school?" I ask. He shrugs. "I'm still waiting to hear from the few colleges I applied to, hopefully get into one of them unlike you." Fangs smiles. I smile.

I walk into school, I see the memorial for Jason and take a deep breath. I feel a hand on my shoulder. I look over and see Archie. "Weatherbee wants us in the office." He says quietly. "I think it's about Jason." He adds on. I nod. "Yeah just let me drop my stuff in my locker or with Fangs." I walk to my locker and drop everything off. I go to the office with Archie. "You wanted to see us?" I say. "Sit." Weatherbee says. We sit down. "Ms. Blossom, you're brothers death was obviously a very horrible and tragic moment for us all, you and Archie here had the best relationship with him and I was wondering if you could maybe put something together for graduation." He ask sadly. Arch and I look at each other. "I don't think I can emotionally go through that, especially right now." I whisper. I start to get up to leave. "I have one more thing for you Cheryl." I stop and look at the principle of this horrible school. He hands me Jason's football jersey. I never actually got it back, I got his jacket but that was it. I take a deep breath. I take it. "Thank you." I whisper. "Can I leave?" I ask quietly. "Do you want to at least help plan what we're gonna do for your brother?" He ask. "Can we do this another time?" They both nod and I leave. I go to the lounge and sit next to Fangs. "What?" He ask smiling. "Have you talked to Kevin?" I ask nudging him a little. "No... have you talked to Toni?" He ask me. "N-not since ten minutes ago." I say quietly. "Hey Fangs?" Kevin walks over to us. "Yeah?" Fangs sits up. "Prom is coming up soon..." I look at Fangs and you can see his face turn red. "I was wondering if you would like to go... with me?" Kevin ask. "Yeah!" He nods. "Cool! I'll text you the details the closer we get to it." Kevin walks away awkwardly. Fangs sits there in shock for a second. He smiles. "Now I just have to get through the next few weeks without vomiting every time I think of him." He whispers. "Yeah! You'll get through it." I rub his back. "How?" He ask panicking a little. "Well, you know..." I trail off now really knowing. He nods. "You'll figure it out." I whisper.

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