It was a Saturday.

Alexis still tried to uphold the new tradition of having everyone over. I just haven't made any appearances the past few weeks. Though everyone invited me despite being a downer. Saturdays used to be my favorite day of the week. Away from school, with the people that mattered the most, and with the woman I love. Now each Saturday that passed was solemn and I couldn't wait until it was over.

In the faint distance, I heard a howl from Sam. I sat upright on my bed with my elbows on either knee. I didn't want to come to these things.

Now I knew how Leah felt. I resonated with such a bitter woman.

I unlatched my window and jumped out the second floor to transform. My paws hit the ground with ease and I ran towards their direction.


"There's been another missing person." Sam spoke through their telepathy. Some whimpered and dug their paws to the ground. Others growled in anger. The bloodsuckers were clearly behind this. Feelings of anger burst through my chest at the thought. If there was one thing I can do for Tristan before she came back ... it was this. I could at least make it safer for her when she returned. When she first arrived, there were little to no issues when it came to our natural enemies. Here and there we'd find dead large animals.
Slowly in Seattle, the numbers have been rising. If any disappearances happened here... there'd be no chance for them. Besides, if I ever came in contact with a bloodsucker, it would help release the anger and tension I held within me.

"Leah and I will take the shift for the evening." Sam spoke with disdain in his voice. Everyone felt how uncomfortable it was in the air. But it was a thing they grew accustomed to every Saturday evening. They knew that everyone else would be at the Alexis/Tristan household. "Be on your toes in case of an emergency."

With that, everyone was dismissed from the meeting. Seth was the first to emerge from the tall trees shirtless.

"How you doing today?" Seth sent over a sympathetic look as he pat me on the back. We were slowly walking towards the direction of Alex's household. My heart dropped at the thought of missing Tristan. "Yeah no good." My silence was his answer. "It's fine dude. You know you can always talk to me." Seth slapped a hand on my back.

"I know." I mumbled solemnly looking to the ground. It didn't feel right going into her house. Even though everyone was there, it felt empty. She was the missing piece to the puzzle. I couldn't be content without her. Seth always extended his hand out to me but I could never accept it. "I just.... It's just not the same Seth. It's easier for you because Alexis is right there-" Seth stopped in his tracks and held a hand out to my chest.

"I don't even know if she likes me the way I like her Embry." Seth interrupted. He didn't want his friend to assume the wrong thing. "She knows I care for her, but she doesn't understand my feelings  yet." It was his turn to look at the ground. "I haven't told her I like her yet and even if I do... I'd rather keep the friendship between us than lose her altogether." There was a sadness in his eyes. I made a mental note to talk to him about it whenever he'd like to as well. It was the least I could do in order to help him out.

Suddenly, my ringtone went off. I eagerly checked only to find it was Victoria once again. I sighed and shoved my phone back in my pocket. Seth just sent me a knowing look.

"Are you ever going to get her to stop?" Seth noticed the disdain on my face.

"You know it's not possible with her." I grumbled. By the time we made it to the house half of the guys were already there. Seth threw me a crooked smile before he ran off to meet with Alexis. I sighed heavily once more before I closed the door behind me. I gave her a quick hello and took my seat on the couch. I slumped on the edge end of the couch, next to Paul who was on the arm chair. The sun beamed through the windows but the air condition blasted almost diminishing the heat that seeped through. Jared and Quil scrolled through the movies on the television, while Alexis and Seth chatted away. Jacob had yet to make an appearance. Paul was smirking as he constantly texted his phone, seemingly unbothered by the rest. But I could say the same as well. I was absentminded, in my own little world as everyone enjoyed themselves.

"What's got you all smiling?" Jacob teased as the couch sunk lower once he took a seat next to me. I didn't even realize he walked in. Paul looked up from his phone to sneer with the finger as a response. This earned chuckles from everyone around him.

"He's been like that for a few weeks." Quil teased. "Think he's got a giiiiiiiirlfriend?"

"Paul? Hell no!" Jared exclaimed before laughing out loud. "But I do have to admit, you've been smitten lately haven't you?"

"Oh fuck off!" Paul jeered as he sat up right in his seat more and tucked his phone away despite it vibrating a few more times.

"We haven't heard that in a week." Jacob commented.

"Yeah, keep talking to whoever you are. It's making you nicer." Quil continued to tease. Even Paul found an imprint? My heart sank lower. Even though Jacob's love for Bella was unrequited, he still had someone close by to hang out with. He settled for being friends... which is a hell of a lot better than losing your imprint altogether. "Hey." An object fell on my lap which caused me to return to the present moment. There was a bag of chips on my lap and I looked up to see everyone now staring at me. "She'll come back bro." He spoke softly.

"Yeah, we're really happy you could make it this time." Jacob threw an arm over my shoulders and brought me in for an embrace. "We've missed ya around here."

"Have you even tried to call her." Paul quietly asked as he stared into my eyes. I could only meekly nod my head.

"Thanks guys." I mumbled lightly, truly appreciative of the friends that surrounded me. "Sorry."

The focus turned to Seth and Alexis who called out for the food being ready. Everyone excitedly got up and ran to the kitchen. I followed suit and smiled lightly at the meal prepped before us. I promised myself I'll make the most out of my stay here and try to push the negative thoughts out of my head.

What mattered the most now enjoying my time with my friends. Later today, I'll make a list of everything I needed to sort before Tristan came back. I needed everything to be perfect with her.

End of Time (Embry Call)Where stories live. Discover now