"I would have said you have a crush on him if I hadn't been inside your head." Sam shook his head and Leah nodded in agreement to his statement but Jared fanned himself.

"Its sexual tension there baby." Jared laughed immediately Azazel's mouth curled in disgust, the rest of her expression following when Jared continued talking "They do say that chicks are usually into older guys. They like someone with experience ya know what I'm saying and you look teachable." He winked and Sam looked sick at the thought.

"Dude. Gross! That's my sister asshole!" Sam scowled smacking the back of Jared's head not having realized what everyone was staring at him for. "What?" Sam looked to Leah who had a hand clapped over her mouth as though to keep herself from laughing and Jared was guffawing and making a "Awww cute!" Face full of mockery.

Sam rolled his eyes to look at Azazel, "Can you believe this-" Sam couldn't finish his sentence, instead settling for grabbing Jared.

Azazel looked as though her entire world had just frozen. The cunning smirk that was on her bright red lips curved downwards as the scent of crimson filled the air as her nails cut into her palms. She had turned her gaze which had previously been so focused on what was in front of her to something that something that no one else could see and the vivid emerald  of her eyes darkened as the waves of her past threatened to drown her in grief once more.

"That's my sister asshole!" Ajax grimaced shoving his friend off him and Azazel shook her head chuckling to herself. Ajax rolled his eyes before looking to his sister, brown eyes sparkling and a wide grin as he tapped the hood of his car. "You here to watch me kick ass on the track?"

"Azazel?" Sam's voice dragged her from her reverie and it didn't take her long to realize what had happened. "You okay?" Her hands had suddenly clenched into fists and she couldn't deny the tear that had slipped

"Fuck off."

"Hey hey... you can talk with-"

"I'll go to the damn Art Club. Just let me go!"

Sam let her go, staring after her. "I wish  -" he stopped speaking, so many wishes and he doubted anyone would understand what he wished for Azazel. And yet there was Jared putting a hand in Sam's shoulder with two words that strangely were comforting

"Me too."


Azazel leaned back in her seat twirling the pencil in her hands. The Art Teacher and Supervisor of the Art Club looked wary of Azazel but nonetheless remained quite possibly the most positive reaction Azazel had when it came to the adults on the campus.

"I'd like to welcome all of you to our weekly meeting of Art Club. We have a new member so let's all be nice yes?" The woman who spoke beamed politely when a loud

"Hell no!"

Caused the entire class to look and Azazel ran her hand over her face.

"Fucking hell of course you're here."


"Oh you're so dead."

"Help! She's going to kill me!" Sam's cries echoed as an angry female came tackling him to the floor. His eyes were wide and terrified as she knocked him straight off the couch to the floor and then delivered her blows. Loud laughter came from him as she tickled him, the first time in a while Azazel have seen him light hearted like he used to be, before learning of how he was now supposed to be protector of the tribe.

"Dan! Jared!Please!" Sam giggled as Leah assaulted him with fingers and Jared raised an eyebrow looking to Azazel for the best course of action.

"Should we help him? He looks like he's gonna piss himself laughing." Jared asked grinning before flinching at the violent thuds of a knife slamming down on bell peppers and onions.  She seemed lost in thought again but there wasn't the same cloudy gaze as earlier that day "You okay?"

"I'm thinking. We may be having a pretty serious topic for our meeting tonight that doesn't revolve around patrol times." She mumbled quietly so the giggling couple wouldn't hear. Jared nodded in understanding and he opened his mouth to ask another question but when he saw the force she hit the counter with the chicken, his mouth shut.

Azazel, as much as she didn't like Paul Lahote and wished it wasn't true, some things the boy did hit a little too close to home as of late. She spent the entire class seated next to him as the teacher decided she would be least likely to let him talk her into doing a portrait of him.

But there was something that worried her in the time she sat next to him. He seemed to practically grow an inch while just sitting next to her and in the moment that his skin brushed past hers, his skin wasn't cold like before, instead it emanated a heat that she had only found in her fellow wolves. She eyed Jared and Sam carefully remembering what Sam had told her hinted to the tribe members that he had shifted.

Those hints, she realized, were a guideline to identifying a soon to be wolf. "Danny!" Sam pulled her out of her thoughts and she jumped a mile in the air, when he startled her. "Sorry, forgot you don't like touching. How about we go for a quick patrol together?" He suggested and she looked over her shoulder to see that Leah had left already, leaving only wolves in the house.

"No! I don't want you in my head trying to play Doctor Feel Good." She growled pointing the spatula at Sam focusing on melting the cheese over the chicken and doing her best to keep the bread from burning.

Sam huffed taking out plates. "You need to talk about these things. Who better than us?" Sam grinned and Jared nodded in agreement.

"You're always shutting us out. The only solid thing I know about you is your full name." Jared announced after a heavy silence. "No offense to you but... if we didn't share minds while shifted, the only thing we'd know about you would be your name."

"So what? You want me to play twenty questions?" Jared and Sam expressions changed causing her to change the topic quickly, "Paul was in that art club and... guys I think he's going to join our pack soon." She admitted serving the two boys Philly Sandwiches. "It looks like he's hitting all the signs."

"Oh like sudden growth. Hot temper and temperature increase?" Sam asked raising an eyebrow his eyes falling on the food as hunger set in again. For fucks sake the way they all ate. It was a team effort feeding each other and all of the money Azazel got from the Government went straight to groceries.

Jared reaches into the fridge pulling out a bottle of water before seeing the expression on Sam and Azazel's faces and reached in for another two water bottles. Sam thanked him and Jared spoke up next "So what do we do? Trigger the phasing faster or just keep an eye on him until it happens?" Jared asked and Sam answered immediately.

"Azazel will keep an eye on him until it happens."

"What?! Why me?"

"Before you get slap happy with the spatula... hear me out. You're a good fighter both in wolf and human form. In human form you're great but in wolf, when Jared and I go against you even if it is two against one... you hear our thoughts loud and clear and use them against us and when you fight-"

"Pure animalistic instinct. You don't think twice about your moves. Making you a vital threat to those who's minds are exposed to you." Jared interrupted taking the spatula out of her hand and placing the plate with the sandwich in her hand instead.

Sam sent him a grateful look before sitting down at the table next to Jared to eat the sandwich. "Damn. Despite not being the sharpest tool in the shed you still get the job done don't ya Jared."she conceded nodding along to her agreement of the plan.

"Why yes I - wait was that an insult?!"

"Protector of La Push Ladies and Gents."


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