Chapter 3 - Hidden Eyes

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Deep below the Everyday Phoning Facility, lays the headquarters of a secret agency known as the EPF. The phoning facility above was a mere cover for both the building and the name for EPF didn't just mean 'Everyday Phoning Facility', but 'Elite Protection Force'. The walls deep down below were painted various shades of grey. A water feature sat behind a strange green tube in which people would enter and leave with a flash of light. However, in a room aside from the main area, two people sat watching a monitor, viewing the scene upstairs unfold.

Staring in disbelief, Guy watched on in utter shock as Rookie turned tail from the front desk and headed out the door. Guy was never one to show much expression but if anyone were to see him they would be just as shocked as him. Guy couldn't believe that Rookie had come to visit him at work. Making a mental note to give that receptionist a cold stare, he wondered to himself why Rookie would even come back to that place - he knew that it made him uncomfortable, he could see it on his face, so why did he come back?

Also staring at the monitor, to the left of Guy was a woman with bright blonde hair and professionally placed blue and pink highlights, all pulled into a low bun with shaped pins sticking out of it. Suddenly she let out a muffled laugh.
"Who was that?" she prodded Guy playfully, hardly ever seeing him show this much emotion towards anything.
"Nobody." Guy quickly returned with a convincing straight face, however, it was not enough for the lady.
"Yeah," she shot back, "a nobody who knows who you are and where you work."
"Alright-" Guy started,
"A nobody who makes you look like this," She said before making a very exaggerated shocked face, her mouth hanging to make a low 'O'. She looked a lot like the scream painting.

Just as Guy was probably about to throw a pen at her, he received a text back from Rookie. 
'Hey what's up?'
Guy stared blankly at it and then back up at the woman who had stopped pulling the face. He decided to be direct with Rookie, he wanted to know and he wasn't going to hide that.
Coolly, Guy typed back 'Nothing much, did you stop by my work?'
He saw on the monitor - he was still following Rookie with the cameras - that Rookie saw his text but immediately crashed into a child.
Loud, sudden laughter escaped the woman that was still next to him. Guy glared daggers at her, as she quickly covered her mouth, still smiling behind it. 

"Sorry," she managed to sputter out without laughing again. This mood was short-lived however as they soon realised who Rookie had crashed into.

The smile dropped from the lady's eyes and an eerie silence fell over the area where Guy was. 
"Is that..?" She started, already knowing the answer,
"Oh no."
"Dot," Guy started. "We have to get him away from there." He said assertively, knowing exactly who that kid was.

Dot sent a mass message to the agency to alert them to who had just been spotted. Who exactly had they seen? A kid. A dangerous kid. This specific child had an orange, double pompom hat , on top of rich, red hair pulled into two pigtails. He wore a large, red hoodie, too big for his small body, and some tan shorts. On the boy's feet were a pair of red sneakers and oversized white socks. The kid was all too familiar if Guy was honest. His name was Klutzy - a strange name for a child, I know - and they were the left hand man of the EPF's biggest threat: Herbert. However, he wasn't the issue, that was Klutzy. But whenever Klutzy appears, Herbert's around somewhere.

Not wanting to escalate the situation, Guy just watched with intensity as Rookie began to pick up and compose himself. Focusing on the two, he zoomed the camera in to get a better look. Apologetically, Rookie began to say something to Klutzy, but he couldn't hear it.
"Oh. The mic is off..." Guy muttered.
Pressing a small button that glowed red when pushed down, illuminating a small portion of the silver desk. However, nothing happened. Absolutely nothing.
"Dammit G." Guy hissed beneath his breath. G (or better known as Gary) was supposed to have fixed it the week before but had obviously fallen asleep or completely forgotten.
He watched the scene unfold with growing anxiety, Rookie began to get more animated while presumably apologising. Every move he made seemed to slow further and further as Klutzy reached into his pocket.
'A weapon?'
'Is he going to hurt Rookie?'
Were the first things to flash into Guy's mind. He was on the edge of his seat, just about to call in a squad to get Klutzy and take the public away from harm. However, before any of that could happen, Rookie abruptly stopped talking and Guy shifted his eyes back to Klutzy who had his hand up, silencing Rookie. He then proceeded to snap his fingers a couple times. Klutzy was known to not speak any language but communicated - or attempted to - by clicking his fingers. Nobody could understand it. Literally nobody. He watched as Rookie got obviously confused and Klutzy clicked out the pattern again and sighed, turning his back and beginning to walk away before halting unexpectedly and stumbling. Klutzy whipped round to stare, wide eyed at Rookie. He had the expression of a deer caught in headlights. Obviously confused, Guy looked back to Rookie who had his hands held up in front of him in a clicking position.
"What-" Guy began to ask but stopped as the two on the screen began to move again. Rookie repeated what he did before - he clicked back. Did Rookie... understand Klutzy? Were they communicating? He watched as Klutzy brought his hands up again to click but suddenly looked back with a faint expression of fear and waved at Rookie, presumably goodbye.

Dot and Guy stood astounded. In silence, they looked at each other and then back at the monitor which a couple other agents in dark grey blazers and beige waistcoats gathered around, not too close to the leads, especially Guy.

Guy never let his eyes leave Rookie for fear anything would happen. This meant that Guy was able to see Rookie look back at his phone to read his text. He viewed Rookie, with a slight sense of nervousness apparent on his face, look around where he was.
Guy's phone buzzed: 'Yeah... How did you know'
"...shit..." he grumbled quietly. This was going to be hard to explain.

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