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And we're so different

But we're the same

If I paint the picture

Will you be the frame? Yeah

Most students wouldn't be blasting some really upbeat song at 7:12 in the morning. But Adora was different, music gave her stability to start the day. Although it was only the second day of school, she was more on edge than ever before.

Oh no, you hit me in the heart

Bullseye, right where the feelings are

Meet me at the beach, meet me at the park

Adora didn't wanna be distracted anymore, she just wanted to focus. But how could she? She didn't even know what to focus on. Her girlfriend? School, grades? College? The new girl-

No, that's exactly what she didn't want to focus on. Or maybe she was just telling herself that.

Fuck it. Right now she'll just focus on looking both ways while crossing the street.


She did her routine as she got to the school. Parking her bike, locking it up, and going to her locker where her friends await. As she got closer she could hear laughter and chatter.

"You almost made me crash the car that night!"

"Well its not my fault you have a terrible taste in music!" Glimmer laughed out.

Bow glared, "I don't understand why you don't like their music!" He gasped, "Homophobic!"

Glimmer snickered at her best friends 'shock', "Sure, because me having a girlfriend makes me homophobic. Speak of the devil!" She grabbed Adora's hand and kissed her on the cheek.

Adora smiled, "Was I interrupting something?" Causing giggles from her friends.

"Just these two going at it like usual!" Perfuma giggled. Although that wasn't her real name of course. It's a nickname she had gotten since she always carries perfume on her, and of course smells good. Her real name was Lillian.

"Please, I'm glad you interrupted it. Saved me from a headache."  Mermista smirked.

It was relieving to not be worried for a while. But sadly, that didn't last. Soon enough the group was split to go to their separate classes. Adora grabbed her notebooks and utensils, and made her way to her class. As she walked into the room, she took a seat in the back with an open seat in front of her, which she gladly put her feet on. If Bow were there, she'd most defiantly get yelled at. But he's not so, what he doesn't know cant hurt him.

The bell rang, and to Adora's surprise, the classroom was barely full. I guess seniors have better things to do than, well, art.

She didn't notice yesterday, probably because she could not stop thinking of that new girl. Come to think of it, she honestly could've been in one of her classes! But most likely not, Adora probably would've noticed.

Her teacher was out in the hall talking, but she was too far from the door to hear. Adora brushed it off and decided to pop in some headphones and waited for her teacher.

Oh no, you hit me in the heart

"Good morning students!"

Bullseye, right where the feelings are

"We have a new face joining us!"

Meet me at the beach, meet me at the park

"I expect you all to treat how you'd wanna be treated!"

Adora looked up, just now noticing the teacher.

"Meet your new classmate, Catra."

I just wanna be wherever you are

"Oh, fuck."

wherever you are : catradora auWhere stories live. Discover now