Chapter 12

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I don't own One Piece or it's characters :)

Robin's POV

Venus's smile unnerved me. It was the smile of a sly fox with it's eyes on the chicken coop. It sent chills down my spine.

Venus led me into a different room away from the Valkyrie and my Nakama, isolating me from any possible means of assistance. Nami was left fuming with a lovesick cook in the throne room. But lady Freyja didn't seem keen on keeping the humans in her presence any longer than necessary. I didn't want to drag out this process.

The door that the goddess and i passed through slammed shut, enclosing me in a dark chamber, water dripping from the stone crevices in the walls. It sank of mildew and mold and what i thought must be rotting fish. A strange place to hold the test. Venus seemed to think as well, because with a wave of her hand, the room turned into a lavish VIP room, complete with cups of coffee on a small table situated between two futons.

Venus faced me, her face changing to that of a woman with long black hair and blue eyes, golden snakes dangling from her ears. "Robin," she said. "That's a beautiful name."

"Thank you." i said, keeping my face as lackadaisical as possible.

"Come one, lighten up, all i'm going to do is ask you a few questions."

"Questions?" I repeated.

"Mhm! make yourself comfortable."

She gestured behind me to one of the futons, cushions of red velvet. I settled into the seat, inviting myself to a cup of coffee. I was about to take a sip when an air of caution swept over me, and i returned the cup to its coaster. Venus remained standing, playing with her earrings, and i suddenly recognized her face. Boa Hancock, the warlord, claimed to be the most beautiful woman in the world. I could see why Venus might adopt those features, She really was a sight.

"Might we begin?" I asked.

"What is the air speed velocity of an unladen Alabastan swallow?"

I blinked. "What?"

"I asked you the air speed velocity of an unladen Alabastan swallow." Venus repeated simply.

I grit my teeth. This was no test of ambition or bravery as i had been expecting. This was a test of basic knowledge! I knew the answer of course, but it still baffled me. I spoke the answer and attempted to ask what was going on, but Venus wasn't giving me any time to question her.

"List in order the names of current Vice Admirals in which they were promoted."

Venus continued with questions such as these for maybe ten minutes. Sometimes she asked about the world government, sometimes geography, some history and etcetera. Nothing that was truly worth my effort. Time was wasting and i had neither the time or energy to for silly quizzes like this. I hadn't been able to check Zoro's time before he had been stolen by the woman standing a few feet away, so i didn't know how much time i had left before he would be gone forever.

"What is the...?"

"Stop!" I interrupted, standing abruptly from the couch. "I won't answer another question! I demand you give me the real test!"

"What are you talking about?" Venus asked innocently. "This is the test."

"No, all this is doing is testing my patience," i growled, not even attempting to shelter my frustration and anger under a veil of forced calm.

 "You are wasting my time on useless information. Zoro is counting on me to bring him back, and believe me nothing is going to stop me from doing so!"

Zoro x Robin: The Stuff of LegendsWhere stories live. Discover now