Chapter 3

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I don't own one piece or it's characters, all rights goes to Oda sensei :)

Zoro's POV

As everyone was getting ready to get back to the ship Lola and her crew who were behind came forth, "Let us help, we must honor the fallen hero who helped save us" said the the big lipped Lola.

Fallen hero! heh i could live with that! wait i'm dead!

Lola and her crew made a stretcher, fashioned from two huge branches and a large piece of cloth ripped from the giant sail. They put my body slowly on the stretcher and started making their way towards the thousand sunny. The rest of the pirates followed behind with their heads bowed down as a sign of respect. Robin hugged my Katanas to her chest and walked beside my body.

The rest of the straw hat pirates were near as well, occasionally glancing hopefully down at my body as if i would suddenly sit up and yawn. Seeing this all i could do was smile sadly and keep walking silently thinking about the legend that Robin spoke about.

We arrived back at the ship, Sanji and Chopper took my body to the crow's nest.

I didn't follow first off because i didn't know if i could climb, and second i wanted to hear what Robin had say about this legend.

We all sat silently on the grass, everyone had their gazes on the grass and as if it were the most interesting thing. Nami didn't even pay attention to the pile of gold behind her on the deck, which is how i knew how dire the situation is, Luffy perhaps seemd the most distant of all, he had moved away from all and was nibbling half heartedly on some cheese. Luffy stood up and made his way towards the kitchen and i followed him and laughed to myself as he instinctively opened the fridge for a hunk of meat.

He held it as he sat at the table, not eating only staring at it. That's how i knew how extremely hard this was hitting my captain. I had been his first crew mate, his vice captain, his friend!

We started the straw hat pirates together and now our journeys together were at end.

"I found it" Robin called from outside.

Me and Luffy exited the kitchen to listen. the straw hats and other various Lola pirates had gathered around Robin.

"tell us Robin" Chopper sobbed " What does it say?"

Robin flipped through pages finally to a stop and reading aloud " If a man dies in honor of another, bring that man to the highest temple on the highest mountain and lay his body in the river Chai, should that man been in love with a woman in his life, that woman can revive him within the water " Silence filled the place as Robin finished reading. Straw hat pirates were looking at robin, they knew that Zoro and Robin were in love with eachother.

" But it's only a legend" Nami broke the silence " besides we don't know where this myth island is"

" coordinates are in the book" Robin explained" whoever the author is must have known someone might want to resurrect a lost loved one"

"Yosh" Luffy suddenly seemd to have regained some of his composure " set sail for the myth island".

The Lola pirates cheered" you can do it mugiwara".

"however" Robin interrupted "there is a catch"

Silence fell on the crowd. "what is it?" asked the cyborg.

"Such a ritual should be completed within 48 hours of the man's death" said the raven haired woman.

Again silence fell on the crowd. I could tell immediately what everyone was thinking. How long had it been since i died? Hell i didn't know, it could have been seconds or hours before someone found me, no one knew! but still even now they were wasting time.

Luffy realized this first, " we sail" he yelled jerking everyone in motion " we are going to get Zoro back"

"Aye" straw hat pirates shouted.

I watched the ensuing chaos, it was funny really. Usopp had to climb to the rigging with Sanji to lower the sail which was usually my job.

"Ah, Luffy san?"  Brook asked as Luffy ran past him.

Luffy jogged in place, staring at the skeleton"hmm?"

"I know this is sudden, ah, but may i join your crew?"

"Of course, you already have" said Luffy with a grin on his face, then speed off to do whatever he was going to do before.

Brook just stood there looking elated "Yohohoho thank you Luffy san".

"Good luck straw hats", " Bring back the fallen hero", "Thank you for saving us" yelled the Lola pirates waving their hands.

I stood at the railing watching as thriller ark faded to a speck behind us. Withe a hesitant grip i placed a hand on the rail, and it did not turn intangible, smiling with relief i griped the rail and watched the water, breathing in deeply, i could still smell the ocean which calmed me down a little. someone walked through me, it was a hot feeling, like i'd been submerged in a boiling tub of water. I felt a tugging like i was drawn towards that person!

But suddenly i was looking at the ocean normally. I could see, but out of the corner of my eyes i could tell my skin wasn't glowing green anymore, my arms were long and slender with manicured nails! my chest felt a bit heavy and i figured with a growing dread that i had been sucked into one of the girls while that person passed through me!!!

Wow that sound really perverted, damn i mean i had kind of... entered? no... possessed? maybe overshadow? yeah i guess that could work. I had overshadowed one of the girls, sharing their body and mind, so i could see what they could!

But who? Who had i overshadowed? her mind was so secretive and alien, i couldn't penetrate it at all! Yet i could feel how she felt, she was heartbroken and really sad! then i had figured out who it was that i had overshadowed!

"Robin" Suddenly Luffy called out!

And my vision shifted from the ocean towards the captain, who stood in the center of the deck along with the rest of the crew. As Robin began to walk forward i stayed behind watching her suddenly. So i can only overshadow living subjects while they are immobile? interesting.

I followed robin till we were on the deck with the rest of crew!

"Yes?" asked robin.

"We are going to... umm..." Luffy tried to talk.

"Say a few words" Nami finished his sentence for him. "You know...  Zoro was our nakama and vice captain, and now... well. By my estimate, it'll take a few hours till we reach Myth island. from where we are now, if we throw one or two coup de burst".

"No cola" Franky interrupted solemnly. "Those damn zombies must have taken it all".

"Well. we'll push sunny to her limit" Nami growled. "But we need to occupy our time, and we have a lot of it, and we didn't get to say anything in our rush... so we wanted to..."

"I understand" Robin formed a sad smile "say no more..."

"I wanna go first" said Luffy raising his hand.

The straw hats parted making way for Luffy to go to the crow's nest where my body was! I was curious of what each of my nakama would say to  me while no one was looking? so i really wanted to go there and listen, i followed Luffy up the rungs hoping i wouldn't fall intangibly though them. And i didn't pass through them! Looks like i can touch objects if i really want to but i can't move them of course! Luffy pushed open the trap door emerging into the spacious room i had occupied every night while on watch, my body was layed on the center of the room, hands folded over my stomach. My body was all bandaged up, i guess Chopper did that hoping that if by some miracle i was brought back to life i wouldn't bleed to death again! At that thought all i can do is let out a small chuckle and smile sadly.

Luffy sat on the floor crossed legged by my head, and i sat opposite of him waiting for him to begin!

Alright guys! this is it for chapter 3!

I Hope you enjoyed it! Please comment your opinions about my writing and the story :)

Zoro x Robin: The Stuff of LegendsUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum