Kim Taehyung:

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Kim Taehyung pov: The wheels of straw rest on their earthen bed, soaking in sunshine, adding their fragrance to the day that develops as an old photographic film. Under the sky that is made all the more pretty for the scattered clouds, the white puffs that radiate white light, every colour is made more happy. Perhaps this is the pride of nature, this simple scene of flora, and the biggest blessing is to witness its beauty.

Amid the wheat, amid the soft golden ears, moves the unseen wind.If I could wish for peace within this human body and all around, I could wish for no more,this is all I ever wanted.

The old hay barn has stables at the front with those old half-doors to allow the horses to see the view of the yard. Once the old iron bolts are opened there is a ladder rising to a loft, the place we store the hay and straw. It is a place of games, of childhood memories as sweet as the aroma of those sun-soaked grasses. It is a place on this farm for the sweetness of solitude and the freedom of playful thoughts, a place to hear the heavy rain on the old tin roof as if it were music from the heavens.

The farm grew up out of the pale green hills as if it had always been part of the scenery. The house itself was a beautiful brick, the colours being the hues of the land herself, rustic brown striations on grey rock. Upon the rolling fields grew potatoes, turnips and all the root vegetables we love to roast in the autumn.

Farms were once full of animals that suffered, used more like digits in a bank balance than creatures with thoughts and feelings. We learnt how intelligent they were, but more than that, we learnt what emotions they were capable of feeling.Feelings are feelings, life is life. Our farms now are for crops, for vegetables, and we've learnt how to make wonderful high protein foods so bursting with flavour. It's amazing what we could do when we put our true intelligence to work in the right direction.But the best bit of living in a farm is that your far away from all the cities and polluted air,and the noisy and arrogant people.

As I watered the ripe vegetables and fruits which me and my family were growing I heard a pitiful and piercing scream from the brown barn,It sounded like my mother I wasnt that pussy type but recalling that scream was awful it was as if she was dying or someone was mutilating her body,I knew she was in trouble,I reluctantly threw my steel shovel away,ran towards the barn to see my mother on the grazed floor she was bleeding from her mouth yet her eyes were shut tight,it seemed that she had no bruises no marks on her no sign of any injuries,so my body calmed and I wasnt worried as much, there was also a middle aged man who looked crazy,his hair was all ripped out,and he looked homeless or something cause he was all roughed up,he was stranded in one corner of the barn and he didnt seem to notice me he was just groaning and hissing at something which he had cornered,as if he was some sort of predator and he had caught some prey.

I wanted to check if my mother was alright,I took her left hand in mine and asked...

Taehyung: Mother? Are you okay? What happened?

I tried to shake her up abit,She didnt move,so I checked her pulse and she was still alive.Thank the lord.

I caressed her hair whilst reassuring her shes gonna be alright even though she probably couldn't hear me.

Taehyung: Mother Im going to go and get father.

I was too worried to say anything else.I picked my mothers small body in both my arms,and ran towards the small house that me and my parents lived in,the door was surprisingly open I frantically ran through the door and searched for my father.I wanted to plop my mother on the couch and search for my dad but thankfully my father was running downstairs in his pajamas just about now.

Taehyungs Father: Taehyung I heard your mother scream. what happened to her?

Taehyung:I dont know either,I just saw her lying in the barn and theres a man in the barn,hes just there, just staring at the walls.

Taehyungs Father:Look here Taehyung we dont know who this man is or why hes after us,so go upstairs and close all the windows and close all the doors to the house.

Taehyung: What about the animals and the barn?

Taehyungs father: Taehyung just do what I say.Alright.

Taehyung closed the front and back doors and all the windows,he came back downstairs to see his mother lying on the couch still out cold,and his father checking her temperature.

Taehyung: Is she alright?

Taehyungs father: No,her temperature is abnormally high. {he said with a worried face}

Taehyung; Do you need something?Does she need medicine?what can I do?

Taehyungs father:Bring me a bowl of luke warm water and a clean towel also some tissues.Then go and call for an ambulance.

Taehyung runs towards the large kitchen and grabs a towel and pours some water into a bowl and then reaches for some tissues on the kitchen counter and hands them all to his father.

Taehyung: Here...

Taehyungs father soaks the towel into the bowel of water and places the towel onto her head.He then takes some tissues and wipes her bloody mouth.

Taehyung: Will she be alright?

Taehyungs Father: I hope so{he says halfheartedly}

Taehyung raises his hands and covers his face. Taehyung was worried sick his mother looked like she was gonna die,the colour on her face was slowly fading away and she was turning pale by the minute.

Taehyungs father: Dont worry too much my son,now go and call the ambulance.

Taehyung takes his phone out and dials 999{IK this is the number for the ambulance in the UK,just imagine whatever you want}

Taehyung hears the phone ringing,whilst biting on his lips,he patiently waited for a few minutes until it ends no one picked up.How on earth is this possible?they should have picked up.

Taehyung: Father,they arent picking up

Taehyungs father: What are you saying?(as if Taehyung said something really stupid)

Taehyung: I dont kn- kno(he stutters)

Taehyungs father: Hand me the phone Now!(sounding so demanding)

Taehyung hands over the phone to his father,and his father again dials the 3 digit number,upon waiting another 3 minutes.No one picked up again.

Taehyungs father threw the phone out of frustration.

Taehyungs father: WE cant waste anymore time shes going to die!

Taehyung: But father your a doctor cant you heal her?(he asked whilst shaking)

Taehyungs father:I dont have the tools(he whispered whilst shaking his head in disappointment)

Taehyung: Let me go and get help from Mr Lee 

Taehyungs father: No! I wont allow that,theres a mad man out there ,who knows who he is and what he wants!

Taehyung: But I wont allow mother to die so easily!

Taehyungs father: I said no!

Taehyung:Father ple-

Taehyungs father:NO.

To be continued......

Will Taehyung listen to his father and just let his mum die or will he disobey and be successful in finding a doctor with tools to save his mother?

Authors note:Its been a long time since Ive written anything please be patient with me.

Ill also be posting another episode of Two faced soon too.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 17, 2020 ⏰

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